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    Title: 地方政府推動長期照顧政策之組織成效分析
    Performance of the Long-Term Care Policy of local governments
    Authors: 簡鈺珒
    Chien, Yu-Chin
    Contributors: 陳敦源
    Chen, Don-Yun
    Chien, Yu-Chin
    Keywords: 長照政策
    Long-term care policy
    Organizational architecture
    Network governance
    Aging in place
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-09-05 16:49:26 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 自106年起,長期照顧十年計畫2.0開始實施,目標是希望建構「找得到、看得到、用得到、付得起」社會安全系統,落實「在地老化」觀念,期望藉由地方政府結合社會資源,建構長照ABC社區三級整合服務。
    The long-term care (LTC) policy ten-year plan 2.0, launched in 2017, aims to establish a relatively more comprehensive social security system and implement the vision of people being able to age in their community. Furthermore, to establish the ABC community service, local governments have been empowered to coordinate social resources.
    By using the theory of organizational architecture, we observed how local governments design organizational structures, strategies, and incentives to fit external environment. By using the theory of network governance, we evaluate whether local governments can coordinate external resources.
    Here, survey, in-depth interview, and archive analysis were used. The results demonstrated that organizational managerial measures, bureau networking abilities, and supervisors’ networking abilities have a positive influence on organizational performance of a department. In addition, supervisors’ networking abilities, helpfulness of official websites, and support from stakeholders had positive effects on the policy performance. These findings indicated that to enhance policy performance, we need not only well-functioning organizations but also supervisors who are skilled at networking.
    Because of financial incentives from the government, hospitals, social welfare institutions, and local communities were willing to enroll in the LTC service delivery system; the LTC institutions and human resources have expanded in these 2 years. To achieve efficient, effective, and fair LTC service delivery, local governments should pay more attention to the publicity of performance information. In other words, they are required to put more effort more to publish the rank of LTC institutions, incorporate user feedback, and ensure the timely delivery of the services provided by LTC institutions.
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