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    Title: 用愛國主義行銷Vinamilk乳品與Viettel電信—以越南二個案為例
    Employing a Sense of Patriotism in Vietnam: A study of Viettel and Vinamilk
    Authors: 麥紅鴛
    Mach, Hong Uyen
    Contributors: 蕭宏祺
    Shiau, Hong-Chi
    Mach, Hong Uyen
    Keywords: Viettel
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-09-05 16:39:35 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: No
    In the era of globalization, it is indeed interesting to understand how advertisers employ patriotism to protect the domestic industries from the invading of imported products, especially in communist countries, for example, in Vietnam where the nation’s sustainability maintaining is the duty of every individual. Today, Vietnam is one of the most significant cases of the emerging markets universe which has implemented an open-door economic policy to actively integrate with the region and the world. The growing rapidly of foreign brands has forced domestic enterprises (both state-owned and private ones) to restructure and self-improve to meet the international standard. However, as a developing country, Vietnam always has to face with the financial difficulties which limit its local brands from producing competitive high-quality products. Hence, many of them focus on building brand image in which they tie their value to national pride instead of joining a race for quality with global competitors. In the other hand, it has happened many times that people turned their back on domestic brands because of being offended by their overusing patriotism.
    Therefore, the researcher would like to write this paper by applying patriotism, country of origin and other related theories to discuss the major issues of patriotic advertising in the context of Vietnam society. What patriotic elements could be found in selected case studies and how did advertisers create a story based on the national images?
    Keywords: patriotism, country of origin, advertising strategy, Vietnam, textual analysis, storytelling, dairy industry, telecommunication industry
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1064610201
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900676
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