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    Title: 固有與特殊洗錢罪之比較研究
    Comparative study of inherent and special money laundering crimes
    Authors: 蔡宥祥
    Tsai, Yu-Hsiang
    Contributors: 李聖傑
    Tsai, Yu-Hsiang
    Keywords: 洗錢
    Money laundering
    Definition of money laundering
    Money laundering crimes
    Special money laundering crimes
    Transparent financial flows
    Financial order
    Money mule
    Dummy account
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-09-05 16:32:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 洗錢犯罪行為影響一國乃至國際間之金融秩序與經濟發展甚鉅,世界各主要國家均制定相關的防制洗錢法律。我國於 1996 年制訂洗錢防制法,成為亞洲國家第一部防制洗錢專法,迄今已逾二十年。嗣為因應及接受 APG 第三輪之相互評鑑,並為健全我國洗錢防制體系,符合國際規範,政府自 2013 年起推動修法,遂於 2016 年 12 月 28 日修正公布新洗錢防制法,並於 2017 年 6 月 28 日正式施行。本次修法舉凡立法之目的、洗錢之定義、前置犯罪之門檻、犯罪所得之沒收、客戶審查制度、交易紀錄之保存、大額通貨交易及可疑交易之通報、邊境金流之管制、主管機關之查核內控等,皆有大幅度之修正。
    本次修法對於洗錢防制法刑罰規範的立法目的及法益保護觀點均影響甚深。修正前洗錢防制法之目的,在於追查重大的前置犯罪,因此妨害國家司法權的運作成為最主要的保護法益,使洗錢犯罪必須依附在重大前置犯罪上,難以有效防制洗錢行為。新修正洗錢防制法除固有的洗錢罪外(第 2 條、第 14 條)外,另訂定特殊洗錢罪(第 15 條),使洗錢犯罪有其獨立性及自身目的性,以使洗錢犯罪之防制,除追查前置的特定犯罪外,併兼有穩定金融秩序及促進金流之透明等目的。故本文從固有與特殊洗錢罪的規範目的及要件,分別探論此次修正與增訂之重點予以說明,並從修法後目前國內司法實務的運作,比較分析國內實務對於新修正洗錢防制法之觀點,並提出個人淺見及建議,期能有助於對新洗錢防制法之認識。
    Money laundering offenses can impact the financial order and economic development of a nation or even the international community. As such, major nations worldwide have established money laundering control laws. More than two decades have now passed since our nation established the Money Laundering Control Act in 1996, which became the first specific law to control money laundering in Asia. The government promoted amendments to the Act starting in 2013 in response to and acceptance of the APG Third-Round Mutual Evaluation. These amendments are designed to enhance our nation’s money laundering prevention systems and ensure conformance with international norms. The newly-amended Money Laundering Control Act was promulgated on December 28, 2016 and implemented on June 28, 2017. The following items were substantially revised: the purpose of the legislation, definition of money laundering, threshold of predicate offenses, confiscation of proceeds from offenses, customer review systems, preservation of transaction records, large currency transactions and reporting of suspicious transactions, financial flow controls across borders, and internal control audits by competent authorities.
    This amendment has had a significant impact on the legislative purpose and legal interest protection perspectives, particularly in terms of the penalty specifications. Prior to the amendment, the purpose of the Money Laundering Control Act was to track major predicate offenses, and the obstruction of national jurisdiction was the primary legal interest. As such, money laundering crimes had to be attached to a major predicate offense, which made money laundering control efforts difficult. In addition to inherent money laundering offenses (Article 2、Article 14), the newly-amended Money Laundering Control Act also stipulates special money laundering offenses (Article 15) to provide independence and self-purpose for money laundering crimes. The goal is to allow the money laundering control measures to stabilize financial order and promote transparency in financial flows in addition to tracing specific predicate offenses.This paper explores and explains the focus of the amendment and revisions based on the specification purposes and elements of the inherent and special money laundering crimes. A comparative analysis on domestic practices under the revised Money Laundering Control Act is also provided, and opinions and suggestions are offered in the hopes of facilitating greater understanding of the revised Act.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100961048
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900813
    Appears in Collections:[Master of Laws Program for Executives] Theses

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