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    Title: 銀行法令遵循與盡職審查調查程序-以洗錢與資恐防制法為中心
    A Study on Compliance in Banking Institutions and Due Diligence Procedures - Concentrating on Money Laundering Control Act and Countering Financing Terrorism Act
    Authors: 陳曉薇
    Chen, Hsiao-Wei
    Contributors: 張冠群
    Chen, Hsiao-Wei
    Keywords: 內部控制
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-09-05 16:29:16 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 兆豐銀行於 2016 年 8 月 19 日,因違反美國銀行秘密法及反洗錢等法令遵循缺失 (BSA/AML),遭美國紐約州金融署(NYDFS)罰款 1.8 億美元(新台幣 57 億) 的罰款,除了行政院成立專案小組進行調查,台北地檢署亦調查其中是否有涉及 洗錢行為,所幸查無不法,僅是銀行內部控制的缺失,從此開始,法令遵循、反洗錢及反資恐即成為銀行實務者、法律學者、風險管理的顯學。主政者,就法律面,配合 FATA 提出之 40 項建議及評鑑方法,修正洗錢防制法並制訂資恐防治法,金管會身為金融機構之目的事業主管機關,依據洗錢防制法之授權規定訂定相關子法,並訂定相關自律規範,要求各同業公會制定相關注意事項範本,進行 跨部會的整合,配合新增指定之非金融事業或人員(DNFBPs),要求其目的事 業主管機關,訂定有關該事業之防制洗錢與打擊資恐辦法。就執法面,金融檢查 亦以防制洗錢及打擊資恐作為 2016-2017 年之金檢目標,各銀行在組織上,紛紛 設立法令遵循單位轄下有負責反洗錢及打擊資恐小組、嚴格執行客戶審查程序、 教育客戶並加強第一線從業人員之在職訓練。就市場反映上,民眾雖增加了諸多 不便,但透過主政者的政策宣導及從業人員的教育客戶,亦能體認到這波法令遵 循的國際浪潮。
    本文以法令遵循制度為開端,以一個景氣循環為一個時代背景,先行介紹法令遵 循制度的定義、目的。以上一個十年為始,介紹當時的法令遵循重點即陶德法蘭 克法案及銀行秘密法;上一個十年過後,現今的法令遵循重點則著重在除了放寛 陶德法蘭克法案的限制外,並因應全球日漸高漲的反恐怖主義浪潮,以反洗錢及 反資恐作為主事者的執政重點。自兆豐銀行經重罰後,我國參考國際規範,修正 洗錢防制法並制訂資恐防治法,本論文將予以介紹外並比較大陸、香港於實務上 作法,調整我國實務執行盲點,避免缺失重複發生。
    On August 19, 2016, Mega Bank was fined US$180 million (NT$5.7 billion) by the New York State Department of Finance Sevice (NYDFS) for breach of BSA/AML. The Executive Yuan establish a special team to investigate this case, and then the Taipei District Inspection Office also investigated whether there was any mony laundering involved. Fortunately, there was nothing illegal and the origin of this case is just only the lack of internal control of the bank. Since then, the government, legal scholar and risk management has focus on the Compliance and BSA/AML. On the government side, amend the Money Laundering Control Act and enact the Countering Fianacing Terroism Act based on the FATF 40 Recommendations and Methology. FSC, as the authorities, published relevant sub-laws and self-regulationg specificaitions.What’s more, conducted a cross department integration to cooperate with the Designated Non-Financial Business or Profession (DNFBPs) and their supervisors to formulate precautions about BSA/AML. With regard to law enforcement, financial examination has aimed at Compliance, Money laundering and Countering terrorism since 2016. To respond to the financial examination, banks set up the units for in charge of cmpliance and BAS/AML. The front line employee not only keep on the job training but also do the customer due diligence seriously than before and educate the clients in order to put the BAS/AML policy into effect. As far as the market is concerned, although the public has increased a lot of complain, they can more and more aware of this trend of this era and the consequence of violation under the resolution of the government accompanied by the effort of the front line practitioners.
    This essay begins with the Compliance system and takes an economic cycle as an era background. It first introduces the definition and purpose of the Compliance. Starting from the previous decade, introduced the generation put much emphasis on financial regulation – The Dodd and Frank Act in order to prevent the second financial crisis and the Bank Secret Law for the increasingly rising of financial crime.Ten years has passed, the government has loosen the restriction of The Dodd and Frank Act. To solve the rising tide of terrorism, enforce BSA/AML seriously is the nowaday government focus. After the heavy penalties on Mega Bank, FSC has revised Money Laundering Control Act and enact the Countering Fianacing Terroism Act based on the FATF 40 Recommendations and Methology. This essay will introduce these laws and compare of China and Hong Kong as reference for government and practioner to adjust their enforcement and avoid the error.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103652019
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900764
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