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    Title: 公司型社會企業法律問題研究 - 以立法模式、籌資與併購為核心
    A Study on The Legal Issues of Company Type’s Social Enterprise: Focus on the Legislative Mode, Fundraising, and M&A
    Authors: 郭又嘉
    Kuo, Yu-Chia
    Contributors: 劉連煜
    Liu, Len-Yu
    Kuo, Yu-Chia
    Keywords: 社會企業
    Social Enterprise
    Benefit Corporation
    Impact Investment
    Mergers and Acquisitions
    Duty of Directors
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-09-05 16:21:32 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 我國產官學界近年來對於公司型社會企業之發展討論熱烈,如何建構完善之環境幫助其成長茁壯是共同之目標,而本文以成立時、成立後及終結時做為三個時間切點,所對應之問題討論為公司型社企立法必要性及模式、資金籌措來源以及面對併購時公益目的之維繫。
    In recent years, the community of industry and government in Taiwan has been discussing the development of company type’s Social Enterprise, and the common goal is to form a sound market and eco-system that helps this organization to strive. This paper is divided into three parts, which are when, after, and the end of the establishment of the organization. The corresponding issues are the necessity and legislative mode of company type’s social enterprise, the source of funding, and the maintenance of public benefit purposes when facing mergers and acquisitions. The mode of legislating is divided into two categories: enacting a new law and enacting under the corporation law to regulate the social enterprise. These two modes of legislation each represent a development path. Therefore, this paper proposes the future legislative style of our country by comparing the mode of legislating to different countries’ culture and the current system.
    Furthermore, if consider the development of a corporate social enterprise as a life cycle, fundraising will be an important issue at the beginning. This paper illustrates the fundraising methods of the current social enterprises in our country, and the difficulties we are facing. Besides, it also suggests how legal systems and policies help social enterprises raise funds under the framework of impact-investing, and how our country is going to continually develop or establish a financing method of social enterprises in the future.
    Mergers and acquisitions are important issues at the end of the life cycle. Although there are no relevant cases at home and abroad, it does not rule out the possibility that mergers and acquisitions may occur when social enterprises mature or even takes place in the market. According to the current legal system in Taiwan, which includes the Corporate Act and the Business Mergers and Acquisitions Act, this paper takes the shareholders’ consent requirement and directors’ responsibilities as the starting point to compare with the US regulations, cases, and British norms. It discusses whether Taiwan’s current legal system is capable to ensure the company type’s social enterprises to maintain their public benefit purposes when facing mergers and acquisitions, and what complementary measures should be required. Therefore, comparing specifically between drafts of “benefit corporation act” and “profits with purpose company chapter/section” about the sustainable protection for public benefit purposes under mergers and acquisitions.
    Finally, this article suggests that if we want to encourage sustainable development of company type’s social enterprises, the following three methods are the solutions. Including legislate a special act of the corporate social enterprises, introduce impact-investing to open up the social enterprise fundraising method, and alter directors’ responsibilities and the legislation of lock-in asset.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105651011
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900957
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