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    政大機構典藏 > 法學院 > 法律學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/125658
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    Title: 共同股權對於市場競爭之影響及競爭法上可能之應對
    Common Ownership: Its Impact on Market Competition and Possible Response of Competition Law
    Authors: 黃子容
    Huang, Tzu-Jung
    Contributors: 王立達
    Wang, Li-Dar
    Huang, Tzu-Jung
    Keywords: 競爭法
    competition law
    Fair Trade Act
    common ownership
    institutional investors
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-09-05 16:20:16 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 「共同股權」係指同一相關市場水平競爭者之間存在一定比例的共同投資者,而這些投資者的交錯重疊持股恐將導致反競爭的效果。雖然早在1980年代初期,即有學者透過經濟學分析,推論出前述反競爭效果的假設。近年來,不論是經濟模式的推論,或是實證調查的研究皆陸續指出,在「共同股權」投資的情況下,將會造成市場產出(market output)減少以及價格提高的現象,並影響經營者的競爭動機。亦即,特定市場行業利潤最大化的好處會大於個別公司利潤最大化。所以共同股權股東的行為與集中投資者(即只持有該市場其中一間公司股票)不同,他們不會要求公司管理層積極競爭,甚至是以其影響力阻止競爭以提高整體行業利潤。
    This study is intended to identify and address the issue of “common ownership” in the field of competition law. The point of controversy of “common ownership” is whether firms have an incentive to reduce market competition, when large investors own shares in several firms within the same horizontal market. In the early 1980s, such anti-competitive theory had been demonstrated through economic analysis, yet prompted little public concern. Until now, the theory has gained traction by the rise of passively managed index and exchange traded funds (hereinafter the “passive investors”). In fact, an increasing number of empirical researches have focused on the issue of “common ownership”. Studies find that the investment of common ownership would lead to decreasing market outputs, raising prices and affected motive of market competitors. The core of the aforementioned phenomenon is quite clear that firms maximize shareholder value, while passive investors as shareholders tend to maximize the profits of the whole industry.
    This study recognizes the anti-competitive effect of “common ownership” on the basis of economic analysis and the possibilities of decreasing the motive to compete and affecting the decision of company managers. Sceptics hold that the inference is established on biased recognition of institutional investors and research statistics which failed to reveal real invest market, and that the theory is lack of causation. This study nonetheless dissent on three grounds. First, the opposition has not categorized institutional investors, thereby neglecting the fact that institutional investors might benefit from manager fee. Second, MMHI is designed for estimating the market power from “common ownership” and revealing true market status. Third, the opposition has set a threshold too high for empirical analysis. Hence, the study is convinced that the anti-competitive effect of “common ownership” is an inevitable circumstance.
    This study further suggests four possible response of competition law. First, taking MHHI as the reference of market concentration. Second, regulating the compensation structure based on profits of the whole industry. Third, naming Fair Trade Commission as primary supervisory authority. Forth, establishing a per se legal category of “common ownership.”
    Fair Trade Commission has yet sanctioned cases related to “common ownership,” and that no authority is well-informed with such issue. Given that “common ownership” might latently undermine market competition, this study focuses on the concept of “common ownership,” the following developments and legal issues. Taking its complexity into consideration, we might not be surprise that “common ownership” is the Gordian Knot in the field of competition law. Future studies, both theoretical and empirical, are essential to establish the applicable law for “common ownership”, which will strike a balance between innovation of the industry and the role of competition law to secure the foundation of a free economy.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104651013
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201901107
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