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    Title: 今日世界出版社對50-80年代台灣人社出版的影響
    The Influence of World Today Press on the Publishing of Taiwan`s Humanities and Social Science in 1950s-1980s.
    Authors: 王鍵泯
    Wang, Chien-Ming
    Contributors: 邱炯友
    Chiu, Jeong-Yeou
    Wang, Chien-Ming
    Keywords: 美國新聞處
    United States Information Agency
    World Today Press
    Humanities and Social Sciences Books Publishing in Taiwan
    Paperback Revolution
    Taiwan Publishing History
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-09-05 15:59:50 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 平裝書革命起始於1930年代的英國,由艾倫•蘭恩發想並推行,讓書籍降低印刷成本,知識更加普及,這個影響在二戰前進入美國,美國的出版商也很快投入這樣的出版,二戰時期美國政府聯合民間組織及出版社等單位利用平裝書籍,一者提供給士兵在非戰鬥時期閱讀,再者抵抗納粹思想戰、最後是提供書籍給戰敗地人民閱讀,這樣的經驗帶給了後來在冷戰時期的出版行動養分。
    Paperback Revolution began in 1930s in UK. Allen Lane thought and implement it. It made book publishing cheaper, and cause knowledge more common. This influence entered in U.S. before World War II, and American publishers soon invested in such publications. During the World War II, the United States government united civil society organizations and publishing houses to use paperback books, first for soldiers to read during non-combat periods, the other for resistance to Nazi mind control, and finally provided books for defeated nation people to read. This experience brought the nutrients of the publishing action that in the Cold War period.
    USIA was assisting local diplomatic units of the United States during the Cold War. Of course, it also included important projects such as cultural communication, one of was books and magazines, and World Today Press located in Hong Kong. It was a big effect to the people of Taiwan and Hong Kong and the Chinese in Southeast Asia. This study will be conducted on its influence in Taiwan. This article turns to books on humanities and sociology. Exploring the reason why the World Today Press was located in Hong Kong. It was the result of the times, such as the British colonial, the convenience of location, the talents, the freedom of speech, etc. Combining the above factors, therefore The US government was willing to hire them at a high salary to carry out translation and book design, ensuring the excellent translation of the contents of World Today Press Books, the high quality of book publishing, the unique style of cover design, and a stable marketing channel. Importing into Taiwan was nothing more than a Taiwanese publication during the Cold War. Different reading experiences were different from those of Taiwan`s publishing industry at the time, and because of the background of the US government, the Kuomintang government did not dare to examine their books, providing a rare growth experience student who grew up in that era.
    This study presents the situation at the time by analyzing books and in-depth interviews. From the analysis of books of the humanities and sociology can be obtained that they focused on politics, economy, diplomacy, etc., in which area the United States was ahead of the world at that time. There were also choices for publication, which cover a wide range of topics. Respondents provided a lot of important information, such as the situation at the time of publication in Taiwan, the sale of World Today Press books, the process of translation, and the status of reprints.
    At the end of the study, there are several conclusions. The paperback revolution has contributed to the spread of American culture. World Today Press had a certain degree of influence on Taiwan`s intellectuals at the time. For example, American literature had gradually became a major axis in foreign languages. Brought to the introduction of democratic thoughts and economic conditions; due to the relationship between the publishing contract and the characteristics of the book selection at the time, it is difficult to reprint the book, and Obstructions were copyright and timeliness of books. World Today Press was the result of the end of the paperback revolution. It also proposes several suggestions for subsequent researchers, such as the oral history of the relevant people, the reference status of books, and the search for American archives.
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    Description: 碩士
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900923
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