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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 資訊管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/125536
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    Title: 隱私悖論的功能性磁振造影研究
    An fMRI Study on Information Privacy Paradox
    Authors: 侯雅晴
    Hou, Ya-Ching
    Contributors: 梁定澎

    Liang, Ting-Peng
    Lin, Yi-Ling

    Hou, Ya-Ching
    Keywords: 隱私矛盾
    Privacy Concern
    Privacy Paradox
    Dual Process Theory
    Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-09-05 15:46:08 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著大數據分析技術的進步,隱私問題越來越受到大家的關注。特別是在 移動應用程式的時代裡,人們雖然注重個人資訊隱私,實際上卻有許多人不經 意地透露自己的隱私資訊,而這種思想與行為不一致的現象則被稱作隱私悖論, 亦稱作隱私矛盾。過往文獻透過隱私相關研究理論,對於隱私顧慮的信念與意 圖實際行為之間的不一致提出了許多解釋,並以問卷與訪談等方式作為研究方 法,讓使用者回溯在特定情境中是否有過隱私揭露行為的經驗。
    然而,一個人的決策行為並非是絕對理性思維,個人之心理層面因素與情 緒因素皆會影響決策結果。因此,本實驗透過雙邊系統理論(dual process theory)定義個人在做決策時會受到兩個不同的系統的影響,進而推論個人發生 隱私矛盾現象時,比起沒有隱私矛盾現象發生時所採用的決策方式有所不同。 除此之外,最近神經科學的進步讓研究者可以透過觀察腦部影像的變化,了解 實際決策時的腦部反應機制,可以更客觀的了解產生這種現象的神經機制,有 助於更深入的理解造成這種現象的原因。因此,本研究從神經科學的角度驗證 隱私悖論的現象,基於心理學領域的雙邊系統理論(Dual Process Theory)並透 過功能性磁造振影(functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, fMRI)了解使用者在手 機應用程式下載的情境下,其影響個人隱私顧慮的潛在因素與發生隱私矛盾時 的腦區反應。
    With the advancement of big data analytics technology, privacy issues are getting more and more attention. Although people report that they pay attention to personal information privacy, many people inadvertently disclose their privacy information in actual behavior. This phenomenon is called “privacy paradox” which means the inconsistency between the attitude and the actual behavior in the privacy related decision-making.
    In previous literature, a few theories have been proposed to explain the inconsistency between reported privacy concerns and the actual self-disclosure behavior and been evaluated with questionnaires and interviews. Recent advancement in neuroscience allows researchers to observe brain activations in the decision process to explore the neural mechanisms associated with certain behavior. Therefore, based on the Dual Process Theory, the objective of this study is to apply functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) to explore the neural mechanisms associated with privacy paradox.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1063560201
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900915
    Appears in Collections:[資訊管理學系] 學位論文

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