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    Title: 雇主品牌性格與差異化對招募績效之影響
    The influences of employer brand personality and dissimilarity on recruitment outcomes
    Authors: 巫敘竹
    Wu, Hsu-Chu
    Contributors: 蔡維奇
    Tsai, Wei-Chi
    Wu, Hsu-Chu
    Keywords: 雇主品牌性格
    employer brand personality
    strategic balance perspective
    recruitment outcomes
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-09-05 15:38:42 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究從企業角度,探討金融相關產業內,公司傳遞的雇主品牌性格訊息對於質與量的招募績效之完整影響。過往相關文獻通常基於社會認同理論,認為雇主品牌性格因能提供有別於工具性特性的心理效用,因而能夠對招募績效有額外的解釋。然而就雇主品牌之定義與研究初衷,認為企業可藉由發展雇主品牌性格而展現自身有別於對手的獨特性,進而吸引潛在求職者。因此,本研究加入策略觀點,即策略平衡觀點,完整探討雇主品牌性格的影響。根據策略平衡觀點,企業的雇主品牌性格與對手過於相似及過於不同均會傷害招募績效,因此,雇主品牌性格差異化會與招募績效呈倒U型關係。此外,本研究進一步探討公司規模對上述倒U型關係的調節效果。本研究以臺灣某職缺媒合平台上的真實公司與職缺資料為來源,以內容分析法將公司招募訊息中的質化敘述轉為量化資料,並輔與其他公開次級資料以及職缺效果資料作為分析。本研究的結果發現:(1) 控制了工具性特性後,雇主品牌性格對招募績效具有額外解釋力;(2) 雇主品牌性格差異化與部分招募績效間為倒U型關係;(3) 公司規模會調節上述倒U型關係,大公司的雇主品牌差異化與績效呈現倒U型關係,此關係在小公司則趨於平坦。本研究不僅整合社會認同與策略平衡觀點以發展完整的雇主品牌影響之理論,並且以實際招募資料證實企業發展特定雇主品牌特性,以及與對手維持中等程度的雇主品牌差異性都可以有效提升招募績效,為雇主品牌研究提供了堅實的研究基礎。
    Focusing on companies in six related finance industries in Taiwan, this study comprehensively explores the influences of employer brand personality presented in recruitment message on both quantitative and qualitative recruitment outcomes. In past studies, researchers often based on social identity theory argue that employer brand personality provides extra benefits different from instrumental attributes and thus enhances recruitment outcomes. This study incorporates strategic balanced perspective and suggests that being too similar to or too different from competitive peers both hurt recruitment performance and the relationships between the distinctiveness of employer brand personality and recruitment outcomes are inversely U-shaped. This study further investigates the moderation effect of firm size on such inversely U-shaped relationships. This study combined archival data from one of largest employment websites in Taiwan and from government public information and converted qualitative employer descriptions to quantitative data to test theoretical hypotheses. The result shows that (1) employer brand personality explains incremental variance on recruitment outcomes after controlling for the effect of instrumental attributes, (2) employer brand personality distinctiveness is inversely U-shaped related to some recruitment outcomes, and (3) firm size moderates the inversely U-shaped relationships, such that the inversely U-shaped relationships are more profound for larger firms than those for small firms. This study integrates social identity theory and strategic balance perspective and develops a comprehensive theory explaining the influences of employer brand personality. It also provides empirical conformation for the benefits of developing particular employer brand personalities and maintaining moderate distinctiveness on employer brand personality. The two contributions jointly develop and consolidate the knowledge base for employer brand personality research.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0099355509
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201901061
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