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Title: | 日中の他界観の比較研究-地獄を中心に Comparative Study of the World of the Death Between Japanese and Chinese Viewpoints: Focus on the hell |
Authors: | 蔡育哲 Cai, Yu-Zhe |
Contributors: | 徐翔生 Hsu, Hsiang-Sheng 蔡育哲 Cai, Yu-Zhe |
Keywords: | 地獄 他界觀 日本靈異記 往生要集 平家物語 十王經 Hell World of the Death Nihonryouiki Oujouyoushuu Heikemonogatari Juuoukyou |
Date: | 2019 |
Issue Date: | 2019-09-05 15:35:03 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 中世日本文學名著《平家物語》,描述主角平清盛因燒毀東大寺大佛而墜入無間地獄,這種關於死後世界的描述,與《古事記》及《萬葉集》等日本古代文學作品截然不同。《平家物語》中的他界觀與佛教思想有深刻關聯,因為隨著佛教的普及,日本人的他界觀有極大改變,死後世界也變成了地獄與極樂淨土,從《平家物語》亦可理解這部作品深受佛教影響。 本論文以地獄為中心,解析《往生要集》與《十王經》中所見的地獄思想,探討日本人的他界觀如何形成、探究日本獨特的地獄思想。《往生要集》中記載著八大地獄的樣貌,這種關於地獄世界的描述,在《十王經》出現後開始有了些微改變,《十王經》中記載著人於死後需前往冥途,更述及死出山與三途川等日本獨特的他界思想。 事實上,日本的佛教是由中國傳來,古代至近世的日本文化也深受中國影響,日本人的他界觀也與中國人的他界觀有著密接關聯。而中國佛教文學《冥祥記》與《冥報記》中所見地獄之描述,在《日本靈異記》與《往生要集》等作品中也 可窺見,中國《十王經》是日本《十王經》之根源,《十王經》的思想也出現於《平家物語》之中。 本論文首先列舉古代至近現代的日本文學作品,探討作品中所見的死後世界,並以地獄思想為中心,檢視日本人他界觀的形成發展。其後再從比較思想的觀點,進行日本與中國他界觀之對比研究,探究中日兩國他界觀之共通點及差異,論述日本人獨特的他界觀。 The famous Japanese literature in medieval Japan, Heikemonogatari describes the protagonist Taira no Kiyomori fell into the hell because he burned the Toudaiji’s buddharupa. But this kind of description about the world of death is different from the ancient Japanese literature such as Kojiki, Manyoushu and so on. The world of the death in Heikemonogatari is connected with Buddhism. When Buddhism got popular, it influenced the world of the death dramatically. The world of the death has been saw as the Hell and Sukhavati in Japan. And we can see the effect in Heikemonogatari. This study will focus on the concept of the hell and discuss the ideology of the hell from Oujouyoushuu and Juuoukyou. This study will also analyze the development of the world of death and explore the unique concept of the hell in Japan. According to Oujouyoushuu, there are eight parts in the hell in Buddhism. But this kind of the description about the hell has changed when Juuoukyou was appeared in Japan. This book describes the travel to Hell, Shidenoyama and Sanzunokawa, which is the unique concept of the death in Japan. Actually, the Buddhism in Japan was propagated from China and the Chinese culture has had an effect on the Japanese culture. In other words, the Japanese concept of the world of death has a lot to do with the Chinese concept of the world of death. The description about the hell in Chinese Buddhist literature such as mingxiangji and mingbaoji can also be seen in Japanese literature such as Nihonryouiki, Oujouyoushuu, and so on. In addition, the Japanese adaption of Juuoukyou is based on Shiwangjing of China. The Japanese concept of the world of death in Juuoukyou is also can be found from Heikemonogatari. In conclusion, this thesis will discuss the Japanese concept of the world of death by using ancient to modern Japanese literature and describe how did the world of the death by focusing on the concept of the hell. Furthermore, I will expound the connection between Japanese and Chinese concept of the world of death from a comparative point of view. By means of the above research method, this thesis can clarify the similarities and differences between Japanese and Chinese world of death and explore the unique Japanese concept of the world of death. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 日本語文學系 105556002 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105556002 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU201901058 |
Appears in Collections: | [日本語文學系] 學位論文
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