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Title: | 高中學生自攜行動學習載具輔以課堂學習對於5C關鍵能力與學習成效影響之縱向研究 The Effects of Senior High School Students’ Classroom Learning Supported with BYOD on Learning Performance and 5C Competence: A Longitudinal Study |
Authors: | 許哲偉 Hsu, Che-Wei |
Contributors: | 陳志銘 Chen, Chih -Ming 許哲偉 Hsu, Che-Wei |
Keywords: | 5C關鍵能力 自攜行動學習載具 行動學習 學科學習成就 5C key competencies BYOD mobile learning learning effect |
Date: | 2019 |
Issue Date: | 2019-08-07 17:21:40 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 面對一日千里的科技發展以及瞬息萬變的全球化競爭,我國教育部提出了包括溝通協調能力、團隊合作能力、複雜問題解決能力、獨立思辨能力及創造力之5C關鍵能力,藉以促進學習與教學的創新,培養學生具備面對21世紀的關鍵核心能力,而許多研究指出ICT (Information and Communication Technology)可以作為促進5C關鍵能力的有效工具,其中「自攜行動學習載具」被視為主要可以應用的教育科技之一。 過去研究指出自攜行動學習載具輔以課堂學習,可有效輔助學生的學習,但也有部分研究指出可能帶來負面的影響。鑒此,本研究採用準實驗研究法,以台北市某一高中一年級4班,共136名學生為研究對象,其中2班67名學生為採用「自攜載具輔以課堂學習」的實驗組,另2班69名學生則為採用「傳統課堂教學」的控制組,在長達一個學期的學習期間下,探討兩組學生在各學科學習成效及5C關鍵能力的表現是否具有顯著差異。此外,亦進一步探討不同性別及數位科技使用態度之兩組學生,在學習成效及5C關鍵能力的表現上是否具有顯著差異。研究結果發現:(1)採用自攜行動學習載具輔以課堂學習的實驗組學生,在各學科之學習成效上與控制組沒有顯著差異,可以維持一般教學一樣的各學科學習成效;(2)採用自攜行動學習載具輔以課堂學習的實驗組學生,在5C關鍵能力的表現均顯著優於採用傳統課堂教學的控制組學生;(3)相較於一般傳統課堂教學,採用自攜行動學習載具輔以課堂學習的學習方式,能有效提升男性學生的溝通協調能力及創造力,女性學生的解決問複雜問題能力及創造力。基於上述結果,本研究建議課堂可多使用自攜行動學習載具輔以課堂學習,以利於提升學生5C關鍵能力,亦建議未來我國在12年國教新課綱的實施上,應導入自攜行動學習載具輔以課堂學習,發展可以以促進學生核心素養導向的學習模式。 Facing the rapid development of information technology and ever-changing global competition, the Ministry of Education has proposed 5C key competencies including communication, collaboration, complex problem solving, critical thinking and creativity to drive learning and teaching innovation with the purpose of fostering students’ key core competencies for the 21st century. Many studies have shown that ICT (Information and Communication Technology) can be an effective tool to promote the 5C key competencies of students and BYOD (bring your own device) is suggested as one of the major educational technologies that can be applied. Previous research has proved that BYOD can effectively support students’ learning, but some other studies also indicated negative impacts. In this study, a quasi-experimental design was adopted to examine the effects of BYOD on students’ learning achievement and 5C competencies. One hundred and thirty-six tenth-graders from four classes of a senior high school in Taipei City were selected as the research participants. Among them, 67 students from two classes were assigned to the experimental group that adopted “classroom learning supported with BYOD” and 69 students from another two classes were assigned to the control group that adopted “conventional learning.” The experiment was implemented throughout the whole semester. In addition, the effects of BYOD-supported classroom learning for students with different genders and different interactive media using attitudes were also investigated. The findings of this research are summarized as follows: (1) there were no significant differences between the experimental and control groups in learning effect. (2) Students who adopted the “classroom learning supported with BYOD” performed significantly better on 5C key competencies than those who applied “conventional learning.” (3) “Classroom learning supported with BYOD” can better promote male students’ communication and creativity competencies and also enhance female students’ complex problem solving competency and creativity. Based on the results of this study, it is confirmed that the “classroom learning supported with BYOD” can help improve the 5C key competencies. With the new twelve years of national curriculum and strategies are going to be implemented, it is also suggested to introduce “classroom learning supported with BYOD” to develop a literacy-oriented learning model to promote students’ learning |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 圖書資訊學數位碩士在職專班 106913009 |
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DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU201900482 |
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