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Title: | 親子共讀對於國小五年級學童閱讀動機與學習成效之影響分析 The Effect of Parent-Child Reading Activities on Reading Motivation and Learning Achievement for Fifth Grade Elementary School Students |
Authors: | 林佩穎 Lin, Pei-Ying |
Contributors: | 林巧敏 Lin, Chiao-Min 林佩穎 Lin, Pei-Ying |
Keywords: | 親子共讀 學習動機 學習成效 Parent-child reading activities Reading motivation Learning achievement |
Date: | 2019 |
Issue Date: | 2019-08-07 17:21:16 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討桃園市某國小五年級學童進行親子共讀對於其閱讀動機與學習成效之影響分析。因此,本研究的研究動機有三:(一) 探討國小五年級學童家中進行親子共讀之現況;(二)探討進行親子共讀與國小五年級學童閱讀動機之關係;(三)探討親子共讀與國小生學習成效之關係。
研究結果顯示: 一、親子共讀之頻率會隨著學童年級增長而下降。 二、家長進行親子共讀時能運用各種策略,增加共讀活動的多元性。 三、進行親子共讀的頻率會影響學童閱讀動機,但兩者只有低度相關性。 四、進行親子共讀的方式會影響學童閱讀動機,但兩者只有低度相關性。 五、在不同學習階段時,進行親子共讀的頻率和學童學習成效之相關性也不同。 六、進行親子共讀時,親子正向情緒表現與學童學習成效有中度相關。 根據以上結論,對學校行政機關、學校教師及家長提出以下建議: 一、學校機關應制訂完善的閱讀推動課程。 二、學校行政機關應舉辦相關親子共讀活動與講座。 三、學校教師應針對能引發學童閱讀動機之方式給予適當之增強。 四、學校教師應運用多元方式評估學生在閱讀過後的學習成效。 五、學校教師應與家長合作,共創雙贏閱讀學習。 六、家長應持續親子共讀之進行,運用多樣化方式陪伴孩子共讀。 七、家長應隨時接收新知,更新親子共讀的新觀念。 The purpose of this research study is to explore the effect of parent-child reading activities on reading motivation and learning achievement for fifth grade elementary school students, exploring the status of parent-child reading actitivities for fifth grade elementary school students; second, the relationship between parent-child reading activities and the reading motivation or fifth grade elementary school students; third, exploring the relationship between parent-child reading activities and the learning achievement for fifth grade elementary school students. The study mainly uses the methods of questionnaire survey to achieve the purposes. Through the "Parent child reading activities questionnaire" and " Learning motivation for fifth grade elementary school students questionnaire" to understand the current situation of parent-child reading activities and fifth grade students` reading motivation. Also, use the "Chinese term exam for fifth grade elementary school students " to explore the relationship between parent-child reading activities and learning motivation and learning achievement of fifth-grade students. Through the statistical results, the conclusion is summarized as following: 1. The frequency of parent-child reading activities will decrease as the grade of the child grows. 2. Parents can use various strategies to increase the diversity of parent-child reading activities when they are co-reading. 3. The frequency of parent child reading activities will affect the learning motivation of students, but the two have only low correlation. 4. Parent-child reading activities will affect the reading motivation of students, but the two have only low correlation. 5. At different stages of learning, the frequency of parent-child reading activities is different from the learning achievement of students. 6. When parent-child reading activiteis, parent-child positive emotional performance is moderately related to students’ learning achievement. According to the results of study, the researcher brings up specific measures as references for schools, teachers, and parents. (1) Schools should develop a comprehensive reading promotion course. (2) Schools should hold relevant parent-child reading activities and lectures. (3) Teachers should give appropriate reinforcements in a way that motivates students to read. (4) Teachers should use a variety of methods to assess students` learning achievement after reading. (5) Teachers should work with parents to create a win-win reading learning. (6) Parents should continue the parent-child reading activites, and use a variety of methods to accompany their children to read. (7) Parents should always receive new knowledge and update the new concept of parent-child reading activites. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 圖書資訊學數位碩士在職專班 106913003 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106913003 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU201900209 |
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