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Title: | 金門縣國小教師推動晨讀十分鐘閱讀活動之研究 The study on the promotion of elementary school teachers’ morning reading activities in Kinmen County |
Authors: | 梁淳瑜 Liang, Chun-Yu |
Contributors: | 楊美華 Yang, Mei-Hwa 梁淳瑜 Liang, Chun-Yu |
Keywords: | 金門縣 國小教師 晨讀十分鐘 閱讀推廣 Kinmen County Elementary school teachers Morning reading ten minutes Reading promotion |
Date: | 2019 |
Issue Date: | 2019-08-07 17:20:51 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 據國內學生參加『國際學生能力評估計畫』評比,有關『閱讀素養』項目評比顯示,學生對文章理解、問題解決及邏輯推理能力明顯不足,因此提升國內學生對各種文本理解、批判及省思的能力是目前所有教育單位與教育人員,所要努力方向。綜合學者觀點,提升上述能力,須有良好的閱讀習慣為基礎,晨讀活動是帶領學生進入閱讀最佳方式,從無壓力的晨讀活動中建立學生閱讀習性、對文本的解析與運用能力,進而奠定學生反思創造新思維能力。因此,推動『晨讀十分鐘』活動,視為各級學校閱讀教育的基石。 經調查金門縣國小有超過三分之二屬小型學校,各校因人員編制不足欠缺圖書老師及圖書館設備老舊等問題,無法順利推動晨讀活動,班級老師又有繁忙的例行業務,無法肩負圖書管理及推廣閱讀活動,雖然知道晨讀對學生的重要性並能啟發學生對閱讀興趣,卻礙於現況與困境無法使晨讀成為學校常態性活動。 本研究針對金門縣國小以問卷調查、質性訪談教師學生,藉以了解教師對於實施晨讀態度、現況問題,及學生對晨讀的參與情況等加以探討,研究結果得知,金門縣國小在人力、設備、圖書館藏書量與經費上顯現問題與困境。另也發現學生在參與晨讀活動後,能運用多元策略執行閱讀,對提升閱讀素養與學習專注力顯有成效。更多數學生能從簡單又重要的晨讀活動中建立閱讀興趣。此研究結論值得教育相關單位排除困難,提出因應之道,提供軟硬體兼具的閱讀環境,以利推動『晨讀十分鐘』活動。 由研究結果整理歸納建議,應編列專款專用經費,辦理陳舊圖書館設備改善,校園閱讀空間規劃,增購新書籍。學校行政端解決離島不便問題,鼓勵教師積極參加閱讀研習課程或推動圖書教師培訓。晨讀為學校、教師、學生三者共同合作活動,學校應協調整合推動配套措施、教師宜調整實施態度與善用各項策略,鼓勵學生參與,讓學生養成閱讀習性,奠定未來自主學習的能力。 According to the evaluation of the “International Student Competency Assessment Program” for domestic students, the evaluation of “Reading Literacy” project shows that students have insufficient ability to understand articles, solve problems and logical reasoning, thus enhancing domestic students’ understanding, criticism and reflection on various texts. The ability is currently the direction of all educational units and educators. According to the comprehensive scholars` view, to improve the above-mentioned abilities, it is necessary to have good reading habits. The morning reading activities are the best way to lead students into reading, and to build students` reading habits and the ability to analyze and apply texts from stress-free morning reading activities. Then lay the students` ability to reflect and create new thinking. Therefore, promoting the "10 minutes of morning reading" activity is regarded as the cornerstone of reading education at all levels of schools. According to the survey, more than two-thirds of the small schools in Jinmen County are small schools. Due to insufficient staffing and lack of books, teachers and library equipment, the school is unable to promote the morning reading activities. The class teachers have busy routine business. I can`t shoulder the book management and promotion reading activities. Although I know the importance of morning reading to students and can inspire students` interest in reading, it is impossible to make morning reading a normal school activity because of the current situation and difficulties. This study aimed at the kinmen County Elementary School to conduct questionnaire surveys and qualitative interviews with teachers and students to understand the teachers` attitudes towards the implementation of morning reading, the current situation, and the students` participation in morning reading. The research results show that the kinmen County Elementary School Problems and dilemmas appear in the volume of manpower, equipment, library collection and funding. It has also been found that after participating in morning reading activities, students can use multiple strategies to perform reading, which is effective in improving reading literacy and learning concentration. More students can build reading interest from simple and important morning reading activities. The conclusion of this study is worthy of the education-related units to eliminate difficulties, and propose a response environment to provide a reading environment with both hardware and software to facilitate the "10 minutes of morning reading" activities. From the research results, the recommendations should be compiled, and special funds should be prepared for the improvement of old library equipment, campus reading space planning, and purchase of new books. The school administrative side solves the problem of inconvenience in outlying islands, and encourages teachers to actively participate in reading study courses or promote book teacher training. Morning reading is a joint activity of schools, teachers and students. Schools should coordinate and integrate supporting measures. Teachers should adjust their implementation attitudes and make good use of various strategies to encourage students to participate, so that students can develop reading habits and lay the capacity for independent learning in the future. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 圖書資訊學數位碩士在職專班 101913019 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101913019 |
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DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU201900401 |
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