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    Title: 二手車自媒體意見領袖對消費者購買意願的影響--以《李老鼠說車》為例
    A study of the influence of Used Car We media KOL on customers` purchase intention -- the case of Ask Zhizhizhi
    Authors: 翁詩奇
    Weng, Shi-Qi
    Contributors: 郭貞
    Weng, Shi-Qi
    Keywords: 二手車自媒體
    Used Car KOL
    Perceived risk
    Purchase intention
    Pproducts knowledge
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-08-07 17:18:07 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著中國大陸二手車產業的發展,以及消費者消費觀念的轉變,越來越多的人開始關注並考慮購買二手車作為家庭的通勤工具。在這個訊息爆炸的時代,消費者可以輕鬆的在網絡上收集到各種各樣的資訊,五花八門的自媒體也在這個時代茁壯的發展起來。本研究以二手車自媒體意見領袖這一特殊的意見領袖作為研究對象,研究其如何對消費者對二手車的購買意願產生影響?這種影響是以何種形式產生?最終又是通過怎樣的作用機制影響到消費者的購買意願呢?


    1. 二手車自媒體意見領袖影響構面對消費者購買意願有顯著正向影響,其四個不同的構面,暨:知名度、專業性、訊息質量和關係強度,對消費者購買意願均存在顯著正向影響。其影響程度由大到小依次為:知名度、訊息質量、關係強度以及專業性。

    2. 二手車自媒體意見領袖通過消費者的感知風險、情感信任和認知信任正向影響消費者的購買意願。且根據Bootstrap中介效應檢測結果顯示,二手車自媒體意見領袖的四個特質對消費者購買意願的影響中,感知風險中介效果顯著,且均為部分中介。在知名度和關係強度特質對購買意願的影響中,情感信任中介效果顯著;專業性和訊息質量特質對購買意願的影像中,認知信任中介效果顯著,且均為部分中介。

    3. 研究發現消費者的二手車產品知識在二手車自媒體意見領袖對消費者購買意願的影響中不存在調節效應。
    With the development of the used car industry in mainland China and the change in consumer attitudes, more and more people are paying attention to and considering buying used cars as a family commuting tool. In this era of information explosion, consumers can easily collect a variety of information on the Internet, and more and more “We media” has also developed in this era. This research takes the Used car “We media” KOL as a special opinion leader to study how it affects consumers` willingness to buy used cars. In what form does this effect occur? In the end, what kind of mechanism will affect the consumer`s willingness to buy?

    In this paper, the author used consumer perceived risk and trust as mediators to study the impact of the structures of used car KOL on consumers` willingness to purchase. In this study, the author conducted questionnaire survey using SPSS for linear regression analysis, Bootstrap mediation analysis, and moderator analysis. The final findings are as follows:

    1. Used Car KOL’s structures have a significant positive effect on consumers` purchase intention, and their four distinct facets, reputation, professional, message quality and relationship strength to consumers willingness to buy all four is significant forward influence, the influence of the four structures on consumers` purchase intention from big to small are: reputation, message quality, relationship strength and professional.

    2. Used Car KOL’s structures positively influences the purchase intention of consumers through the consumer perceived risk and trust. According to the test results of Bootstrap mediating effect, the effect of the four structures of the Used Car KOL on the consumer`s purchase intention is significant, and both are partial mediation. In the effect of reputation and relationship strength on purchase intention, the mediation effect of emotional trust is significant; In the effect of professional and message quality on purchase intention, the mediation effect of cognition trust is significant, and they are all partial mediation.

    3. The study found that consumers` knowledge of used car products does not have a moderating effect on the influence of Used Car KOL’s structures on consumers` purchase intention.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106464064
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900359
    Appears in Collections:[Master`s Program in Communication] Theses

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