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    Title: 懷舊與愛情:鐵達時廣告之文本分析
    Nostalgia and love: A text analysis of Titus advertisements
    Authors: 郁悅
    Yu, Yue
    Contributors: 鄭自隆
    Yu, Yue
    Keywords: 懷舊
    Narrative structure
    Myth structure
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-08-07 17:17:08 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 懷舊和愛情始終是人類經久不衰的永恆主題,在廣告行銷中更是被廣泛運用的重要訴求。鐵達時品牌廣告自1988年起,以懷舊與愛情作為廣告主題已持續三十年,成功將愛情與時間、乃至產品手錶緊密地結合起來,是廣告界極為成功的案例。本研究從敘事、符號及神話結構三個方面對鐵達時品牌廣告進行文本分析,藉由廣告中的訊息符號以探討鐵達時品牌廣告的敘事結構、符號特徵和象徵意義的建構過程,更找出其中所蘊含的社會文化意涵。
    Nostalgia and love have always been the eternal themes of human beings, and are widely used in advertising and marketing. Solvil et Titus with nostalgia and love as advertising theme has continued for 20 years. They combined the meaning of love and time, and made their product become a symbol of love. It is an extremely successful case in advertising. This study attempts to analyze the text of Titus advertisements from three aspects of narrative, semiotics and myth structure, discuss the narrative structure, symbolic significance and construction process of Titus advertisements and further find out the social and cultural implications.
    The research finds that advertisements of Titus mainly interprets nostalgia through color, slogans and scene setting. With the development of society, nostalgia type has changed from collective nostalgia to personal nostalgia in these advertisements. The narrative structure is love – separation – growth, through plots, slogans, camera operation and editing to combine the meaning of love and time, and construct the symbolic meaning of love for the product. Finally, there are always opposition between "happiness of love" and "pain of separation", as well as the opposition between "past" and "reality". Through such binary opposition, generate nostalgic feelings, create a sense of contradiction and conflict, and use watch as a mediating factor to adjust, in order to ease or eliminate the dilemma.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105464078
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900262
    Appears in Collections:[傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程] 學位論文

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