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Title: | 女生沒嘻哈?臺灣嘻哈音樂的性別問題 Are Taiwanese girls able to rap? The gender issues of Taiwan`s hip hop music |
Authors: | 黃意能 Huang, Yi-Neng |
Contributors: | 孫秀蕙 黃意能 Huang, Yi-Neng |
Keywords: | 嘻哈文化 饒舌 女性饒舌歌手 性別問題 Hip hop culture Rap Female rappers Gender issues |
Date: | 2019 |
Issue Date: | 2019-08-07 17:16:44 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究聚焦於臺灣饒舌音樂圈中的性別問題,深度訪談了十名受訪者,其中五位為女性饒舌歌手,包含柔伊、朱妹、蚊子、庭葳、一軒,另外五位為饒舌圈相關人士,包含DJ Ku Da Yeast、林老師、老莫、fishLIN、茱力。本研究分析訪談內容,梳理臺灣饒舌音樂圈的發展與現今樣貌、剖析成功饒舌歌手的支持因素,以及討論女性饒舌歌手在臺灣饒舌圈中所面臨的困境。 訪談分析發現,新生代饒舌歌手主要以社團及社群媒體作為進入管道,其中原生於臺灣的學院派饒舌,使得臺灣饒舌音樂圈有一派注重知識深度及內容隱喻的饒舌歌手,而饒舌廠牌亦不吝惜給予資源,幫助新生代饒舌歌手成長茁壯。研究整理出成功饒舌歌手所需要具備的支持因素包含下述六項:聲音質地、Keep it real、Homie、培力資源、成功典範、奮鬥週期,研究者並與Schweig之研究對話,修改了聲音質地及Keep it real之定義。 針對臺灣饒舌圈中的性別問題,本研究發現新進饒舌歌手主要面對的問題分為兩個層面,其一為音樂相關的內部因素,所有新進饒舌歌手皆會受其影響,其二則為性別相關的脈絡因素,此部分則為女性饒舌歌手額外面對的困難;並分析類似問題不僅只存在於饒舌音樂圈,而是整體臺灣社會結構的性別問題。 This study focuses on the gender issues of Hip hop music in Taiwan. By adopting in-depth semi-structured interview as the research method, ten people related to the Hip hop music circle were invited to share their personal experiences and opinions. Five of them are female rappers, including Zoe, MileN, Wenzi, V!CKY, Husan, and the rest are professionals such as music critics and senior rappers, including DJ Ku Da Yeast, Teacher Lin, ILL MO, fishLIN and Julie. By analyzing their responses, this study explores the development of Taiwan`s Hip hop music as well as the current music scene. Additionally, this study concludes that there are ``supportive factors`` of a successful rapper, and reveals the dilemmas Taiwanese female rappers face. According to the analysis in the present study, the young generation musicians nowadays mainly enter the field of Hip hop music community by joining school clubs or through the internet. The scene of ``academism rap`` emerging in Taiwan 20 years ago had a huge local impact. These rappers are known for their knowledge of Hip hop culture and the ability to write well-organized lyrics. Local Hip hop labels in Taiwan also generously provide plenty of resources to help young rappers to development musically. The research suggests that there are six supportive factors for a Taiwanese rapper to become successful, such as voice texture, ``keep it real`` attitude, resources, reference model, and persistence cycle. Two of the factors, voice texture and ``keep it real`` attitude, were first proposed by Schweig when she analyzed Taiwan`s Hip hop culture and gender. The present study however updated and modified her points of view. In response to the gender issues of Taiwan`s Hip hop music, this study finds that the problems faced by young rappers could be discussed in two aspects. One is music-related internal factors, that all the young rappers, regardless the gender, would encounter, and another is gender-related, which would be faced by female rappers. The gender problems such as discriminations and hostile attitudes toward female rappers do not only exist in the Hip hop music industry, but also reflect social reality in Taiwan. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程 104464032 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104464032 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU201900440 |
Appears in Collections: | [傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程] 學位論文
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