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    Title: 南亞市場跨國企業非市場策略: 以Shepherd Group為例
    MNEs’ Non-market Strategies in South Asia Market: A case of Shepherd Group
    Authors: 林昱鳴
    Lin, Yu-Ming
    Contributors: 傅浚映
    Fu, Jyun-Ying
    Lin, Yu-Ming
    Keywords: 非市場策略
    Non-Market Strategies
    New Southward Policy
    Corporate Political Connections
    Southeast Asia
    South Asia
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-08-07 17:13:26 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 跨國企業在進入地主國市場投資,創立新公司時須取得內外的合法性,而新創立的公司往往受制於地主國的法律、文化、習俗及企業內部的監管機制,跨國企業也因此需承擔高不確定性,地主國政府的一舉一動都會影響跨國企業的經營生存。跨國企業為了降低不確定性,將透過市場策略或非市場策略來確保企業本身的獲利。近年來政府推動新南向政策,許多企業在進入東南亞、南亞國家時面臨法規、政治風險的不確定性,傳統的市場策略可能無法解決企業面對東南亞、南亞地主國產生的問題。因此本研究使用Hillman和Hitt(1999)所提出的三種非市場策略─財務激勵策略、資訊策略、選區建設策略─來研究企業進入地主國時如何建立企業政治關係。本研究發現當企業在地主國建立企業政治關係時,企業在進入地主國前期主要使用非市場策略當中的財務激勵策略,非初期則搭配選區建設策略。透過非市場策略建立並穩定與地主國政府關係,使企業政治關係成為企業的一種重要資源。本文發現企業非市場策略目標對象除了是偶發現象外,也仰賴前期目標對象牽線。本研究額外發現企業政治關係的類型,可能由初期的經濟交易型(economic exchange)轉為社會交易型(social exchange),而社會交易型關係則仰賴多次前期經濟交易型關係的建立。
    When mutinational enterprises (MNEs) invest in the host country and establish a new subsidiary, they must obtain internal and external legitimacy. The new subsidiary is usually influenced by the culture, laws, norms of the host country, and the control system of its parent company. Because the host country environments affect the operations of MNEs, MNEs may face high uncertainty. In order to reduce such uncertainty, MNEs may employ market or non-market strategies to ensure their profitability. Recently, government of ROC promoted a new policy, New Southward Policy, which encourages Taiwanese firms to invest in South Asia and Southeast Asia. However, due to the uncertainty of local regulatory systems and political risk in these host countries, conventional market strategies may not work as expected. In this research, we use three non-market strategies (Hillman & Hitt, 1999), i.e., an informational strategy, a financial incentive strategy, and a constituency-building strategy, to examine how to establish corporate political connections (CPC) when MNEs enter a host country. In this research, we found that it is proper that MNEs use financial incentive strategies when they first enter a new host country. After the subsidiary has established for a few years, it is proper for MNEs to adopt constituency-building strategies. These non-market strategies help establish and stable the CPC, which makes CPC an important type of corporate resources. Moreover, we found that the targets of non-market strategies may be a contingency; that is, it may be connected to the former targets of non-market strategies. In additional findings, we speculate that there are two types of CPC where one is economic exchange and the other is social exchange type. Social exchange type is primarily formed by repetitive economic exchanges between the subsidiary and same/relevant targets.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106363099
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900395
    Appears in Collections:[企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文

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