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    Title: 隱形眼鏡產品之顧客體驗與歷程探討
    A study of customer experience and customer journey to contact lenses
    Authors: 廖宜庭
    Liao, Yi-Ting
    Contributors: 白佩玉
    Liao, Yi-Ting
    Keywords: 顧客歷程
    Contact Lenses
    Customer Experience
    Customer Journey
    5A Framework
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-08-07 17:12:38 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來許多台灣科技公司紛紛創立隱形眼鏡品牌或替其他品牌做代工,而台灣有許多隱形冠軍,替許多隱形眼鏡大廠代工生產,而近年來也自行創立品牌。故台灣隱形眼鏡市場相當激烈,也因為許多隱形眼鏡關鍵專利過期,有越來越多興起的隱形眼鏡品牌,而消費者獲取隱形眼鏡的管道越來越多元,故本研究欲探討過去曾是隱形眼鏡領導廠商要如何因應此競爭激烈的市場,研究方法採取半結構式深度訪談法,訪談對象主要以使用隱形眼鏡經驗超過兩年以上的消費者,且有轉換過不同品牌的經驗。
    本研究主要發現如下:1. 消費者對於隱形眼鏡的正確觀念與意識等待被喚醒,例如:散光幾度需要矯正、視差多少可以容忍配戴一樣的度數、含水量與透氧率等指標的意思與重要性為何。2. 品牌端若欲透過製作內容與文宣等來協助隱形眼鏡的初學者,則須確保製作的內容與自身產品有關且能在消費者搜尋當下立刻被找到。3.購買前:試戴活動重要且有助於消費者多了解一個品牌與正確的挑選方式。4.購買中:新型通路(如藥妝店與網購)等便利的服務並非吸引消費者的重點,產品的更迭快速更能吸引消費者。5. 購買後:當消息者遇到使用上的疑慮、不適或瑕疵時,大多倚賴自行的判斷去解決,但會因此而對該品牌留下不好的印象。
    根據訪談內容,本研究對A品牌提出以下建議:1.產品與配戴隱形眼鏡的知識除了與消費者溝通以外,還需獲得店家的重視,店家的親自講解相較於文宣等來得有效,也增加顧客體驗的感受。2.可將試戴活動中所得到的驗光資訊,存放在A品牌的APP或官網,增加消費者透過驗光活動與A品牌的連結度。3. A品牌可效仿網購,提早下單讓通路端有更多時間準備相對應的度數。4. 除了建置消費者反應與詢問的管道以外,應於日常的文案中主動提及如何處理這些問題。本研究之發現希望有助於隱形眼鏡品牌的策略發展。
    In recent years, many Taiwanese companies, especially technology companies have created contact lens brands or manufactured for other OEM brands. As many key patents for contact lenses have expired, there are more and more emerging contact lens brands, and the channels for consumers to obtain contact lenses are becoming more and more diverse. Therefore, the contact lenses market in Taiwan is quite fierce now. This study explores how can the leader of the industry respond to this highly competitive market. This study adopts a semi-structured depth interview method for users that have two years of wearing contact lenses and brands switching experience.
    The main findings are as follows: 1. The awareness and correct concept of contact lenses needs to be awakened by brands. For example, what’s the minimum amount of astigmatism that should be corrected? What’s the meaning and importance of the water content and the oxygen permeability rate. 2. If the brand wants to help new wearer by making contents, the brand needs to ensure that the contents are related to its own products and can be found immediately in the search results. 3. Pre-purchase: Trial activities are important and helpful to consumers to realize a brand or product. 4. Purchase: New type of channels(such as drugstores and online shopping) are not the key factor of attracting consumers, but the rapid change of products. 5. Post-purchase: Most of users rely on their own judgment to solve problems on wearing contact lenses, which may cause some bad consumer experience and leave a bad impression on the brand sometimes.
    Based on conducted interviews, several suggestions for the case brand include the following:1. The study showed that consumers understand the product more easily and have great consumer experience through staff’s explanation. In addition to communication with consumers, the brand A needs to get channel’s attention for the knowledge of products. 2. The brand A can store the optometry information into apps or website which enhance the connection between optometry and brand. 3. The brand A could create a function of ordering online which just like online shopping. In this way, the brand A can lower the possibility of out of stock. 4. The brand A could create a communication channel for consumers to consult their problem on wearing contact lenses. Meanwhile, the brand A could post some tips to deal with those problems actively. The findings from this study can assist all the contact lenses company.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106363068
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900497
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