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    Title: 從動態能力觀點探討台灣校園創業團隊與創業生態系統之互動─以Dcard與盲旅為例
    Interaction between Taiwan’s Campus Entrepreneurial Team and Entrepreneurial Ecosystem from Dynamic Capability Perspective: A Case Study of Dcard and Blind Tour
    Authors: 梁思敏
    Leong, Sze-Mun
    Contributors: 鄭至甫
    Jeng, Jyh-Fu
    Leong, Sze-Mun
    Keywords: 校園創業團隊
    campus entrepreneurial team
    entrepreneurial ecosystem
    dynamic capability
    entrepreneurial process
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-08-07 17:04:27 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在全球創業風潮席捲下,台灣也開始興起這股趨勢。為了驅動台灣創新創業的能量,結合民間、企業與政府的力量,推出各種激勵計劃與政策獎勵,以帶動創業風潮。因此,各大學府開始開設相關的創業課程,舉辦各種創業競賽鼓勵學生投入創業的行列,其中也不乏一些優秀的校園創業團隊畢業後成立新創公司。另一方面,亦帶動諸多學者聚焦於討論有關創業生態系統的組成內涵與發展演化。


    Embracing the global entrepreneurial trend, Taiwan has also begun to raise this trend. In order to drive the energy of innovation and entrepreneurship in Taiwan, combined with the strength of the private sector, enterprises and the government, various incentive programs and policy incentives have been launched to drive the entrepreneurial trend. Therefore, universities began to offer the relevant entrepreneurship programs and organize various startup competitions to motivate students to put into startup. There are also some excellent campus entrepreneurial team went on to start companies after graduation. In addition, it is also leading many researchers focused on discussing about the relational configuration of entrepreneurial ecosystems and its process and evolution.

    The propose of this study was to discover how campus entrepreneurial team interact with entrepreneurial ecosystem entities during the entrepreneurial process by using the microfoundations of dynamic capability theory. Dcard and Blink Tour are selected for this study and looking forward to explore the interaction and connection between the campus entrepreneurial team and the entrepreneurial ecosystems. This study was conducted to carry out the research gap in the studies of the campus entrepreneurial team and entrepreneurial ecosystems while adopt in microfoundations of dynamic capability relevant theory in academia whereas in practical as well as provide succeeding campus entrepreneurial teams or other organizations as a guideline.

    The study revealed that social networks is the most important entrepreneurial ecosystem entities for campus entrepreneurial team to drive others entities or elements and importance source of information, which foster the flow of entrepreneurial resources and create the process and evolution of entrepreneurial ecosystems. Moreover, campus entrepreneurial team require different kind of resources at vary entrepreneurial process, therefore they access these entrepreneurial ecosystem entities from the campus within external and also want to facilitate the campus entrepreneurial team which have absorptive capacity between the interaction and connection of entrepreneurial ecosystem entities to gain competitive advantage.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106364140
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900458
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