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    Title: 台灣面板廠的競爭動態分析—友達與群創為例
    The Study of Dynamic Competition in Taiwan’s Panel Industry – Case Studies of AUO and InnoLux
    Authors: 邱柏楷
    Chow, Bo-Kai
    Contributors: 許牧彥
    Hsu, Mu-Yen
    Chow, Bo-Kai
    Keywords: 動態競爭
    Dynamic Competition
    Market Commonality
    Resource Similarity
    Feedback Loop
    Multi-run Rivalry
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-08-07 17:03:59 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台灣的面板製造業在全球的出貨量是名列前茅的,尤其以面板雙雄—友達與群創作為領導,2017年兩家公司營收雙雙超過300億新台幣;然而在2011年時友達與群創其實是兩家賠了超過600億新台幣的公司。曾經被視為慘業的面板產業,兩家公司都在紅海中廝殺,然而,從現在來看,雙方的策略方向似乎是不一樣,他們在復甦之路上各自到底進行了什麼樣的策略?而那些策略又是如何持續影響雙方的競爭態勢?
    AUO and InnoLux, two Taiwanese panel factories, have exported one of the most pieces of panel in the world. In 2017, both companies’ revenue reached more than 30 billion NTD; though having around 60 billion NTD of liability in 2011. As we know, few years ago, AUO and InnoLux suffered from an unscrupulously underpricing among competitors and was regarded as an awful performing in their businesses. Nevertheless, as time went by, it seems obvious that both of the companies have found out their niche market in the panel industry. What are the strategies made by AUO and InnoLux respectively and how these strategies changed this competitive situation?
    The dynamic competitive perceptive is utilized in this thesis to figure out the answer of the question stated above. What’s more, instead of one-time competition, this research is going to put more emphasis on “feedback loop”, which means multi-run rivalry. With feedback loop, the research can tell more specific about what the effect of the strategy was and how it changed the competitive situation of them. Before 2014, both companies tried to get the order as large amount as possible while the profit was low, causing the unstable income and satisfaction of both companies’ performance. After that, AUO decided to dedicate to niche market (commercial panel); since InnoLux dug in medium & small size panel. From then on, the two companies set themselves on different paths. The aim of the research is not only to explain the reborn of AUO and InnoLux in a systematic way, but also point out a different view of the dynamic competitive structure.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106364111
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900499
    Appears in Collections:[科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文

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