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    Title: 從區塊鏈運用論數位音樂經營模式之變革
    The Transformation of the Business Model in Digital Music Industry with Blockchain
    Authors: 劉俞佑
    Liu, Yu-Yu
    Contributors: 馮震宇
    Fong, Gen-Yu Jerry
    Liu, Yu-Yu
    Keywords: 數位音樂
    digital music industry
    business models
    global copyright database
    blockchain technology
    smart contract
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-08-07 17:03:34 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 數位科技從根本上改變了著作權的經濟活動,著作使用型態由以往的實體物重製轉變為接近創作內容之利用權,而載體媒介趨於簡便以及格式標準化均使音樂創作能在網絡上大量散布,並使多型態的著作物使用方式與商業模式並存。惟值得注意的是,集管團體與網路平台業者對於數位音樂創作在價值與價格上之認定不一、數位音樂創作之授權模式彈性低等因素,使得現階段的商業模式漸漸無法因應數位時代下大量且多樣化的著作利用型態,且透過這些中間人僅能依其著作數據庫之內容提供有限之著作類型,導致商業價值較低之數位著作無法受到重視,形成獨立音樂人更加仰賴大型中間人提供上架與行銷服務之現象。
    隨著比特幣之底層技術—區塊鏈技術出現,其所產生的利益與日俱增,區塊鏈被運用的領域亦被快速擴展,因此成為主流科技指日可待。由於區塊鏈技術去中心化的技術特徵,而具有實現「去中間人」新型態商業模式的可能性,使用者可以透過部署在區塊鏈之智能合約,直接付費給音樂創作人,並自動執行共同創作者間的收益拆分,使其獲取相對應的報酬,再依據其所取得之權利享受播放音樂的服務,透過蒐集音樂產業的相關數據與交易紀錄等資訊。不僅支付報酬的流程公開透明化,更可建置關於著作權人身分辨認與儲存後設資料的全球數據資料庫(GRD),以建置導向全球分布式的新形態授權框架。本研究從美國的ConsenSys—Ujo music、PeerTracks、dotBlockChain以及台灣的KKFARM—Muzeum來看區塊鏈技術運用在音樂產業的場景及其與現有市場參與者的合作與競爭關係。
    Digital technology has fundamentally changed the economic activities of the music industry. The utilization of copyright, especially the musical works, has changed from the physical entities to the access right. The simpler types of carrier media and the format standardization make music creation spread on the internet massively and fastly. Multi-type of utilization and business models coexist in the digital age eventually. Because collective management organizations and streaming music platform have a different opinion about the value of the music creation than music creators do. Additionally, the model of the music creation licensing a lack of flexibility. The two factors above make the current business model gradually unable to cope with the complex transactions of diverse utilization of music creations. Eventually lead the music creators could only rely on intermediaries, which is the collective management organizations, recording company and streaming platform, to promote their music works. This kind of situation especially happens on independent musicians.
    Nowadays, the music marketplace lacks a good authorization mechanism in practice and a global copyright database that can identify the real copyrighter. Therefore, there is a recessive demand for new technology that can establish a flawless business model in digital music industry to solve the problem that music creator encounter of the transactions lacking in transparency and the exploitation from intermediaries that music creator encounter, not only the inefficient operation and lacking in fairness, but also the collective management group cannot accurately evaluate the participants of contribution proportion in each music creation. Music industry`s revenue growth rate slows down overall, participants in the market realize that the current business model of the digital music industry needy for adjustment and change.
    With the underlying technology of Bitcoin-blockchain technology coming up, users or/and consumers can directly pay the royalties to music creator through the smart contract deployed in the blockchain. The smart contract can automatically execute the split ratio between the co-creators to let real owners obtain the corresponding rewards, and let users or/and consumers then enjoy the services of playing music according to the rights they have acquired. The main technical characteristics of blockchain let the process of transactions more transparent.
    This study will focus on the problems encountered in the current digital music marketplace. Through studying the blockchain application of ConsenSys-Ujo music, PeerTracks, dotBlockChain, and KKFARM-Muzeum to better grasp the scenarios of blockchain technology used in the music industry. Then attempt to answer the research problems of whether the blockchain technology can be the solution, and establish a novel supply chain, shape the new business model with the main players in the existing market for the digital music industry.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105364218
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900529
    Appears in Collections:[Graduate Institute of TIPM] Theses

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