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    Title: 臺北市國民中學校長真誠領導、教師社群感與學校組織健康之關係研究
    A Study on Relationship among Principal`s Authentic Leadership, Teacher`s Sense of Community and Organizational Health of Junior High School in Taipei City
    Authors: 張恒
    Chang, Heng
    Contributors: 郭昭佑
    Kuo, Chao-Yu
    Chang, Heng
    Keywords: 校長真誠領導
    Authentic Leadership
    Teacher`s Sense of Community
    Organizational Health
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-08-07 17:00:39 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討臺北市國民中學校長真誠領導、教師社群感與學校組織健康之關係。透過驗證式因素分析(CFA)架構研究工具,以問卷調查法對臺北市國中教師發放600份問卷,收回有效問卷507份,並分別以敘述統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜績差相關、迴歸分析等統計方法加以分析。並採用逐步迴歸分析探究校長真誠領導、教師社群感與學校組織健康之中介效果。
    The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between the authentic leadership of the principal in Taipei Public School, teacher`s sense of community and organizational health in schools. Through the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) framework instruments, 600 questionnaires were distributed to teachers in Taipei City by questionnaire survey, and 507 valid questionnaires were retrieved, and they were analyzed by Descriptive Statistics Analysis, t-test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson’s Correlation Analysis and Regression Analysis. Using Regression Analysis to explore the Mediation of the principal`s authentic leadership, teacher`s sense of community and organizational health of school in Taipei City.
    The main findings of this study are as follows:
    1.The status of the authentic leadership of principal in Taipei Public School, teacher`s sense of community and organizational health in school is good, and it is roughly at a medium to high level.
    2.Different genders, ages, highest qualifications, years of service, current positions, school size, and school history have significant differences in the authentic leadership of the principal.
    3.Different gender, age, highest education, current position, school size, and school history have significant differences in teacher`s sense of community.
    4.Different genders, ages, highest education, service years, school size and school history have significant differences in organizational health of school.
    5.Authentic leadership of the principal, teacher`s sense of community and organizational health in schools are positively related to each other.
    6.Authentic leadership of the principal and teacher’s sense of community are predictable on the organizational health in schools, and authentic leadership of the principal has a higher predictability.
    7.It has been determined that teacher’s sense of community is mediated the relationship between authentic leadership of the principal and organizational health in schools.
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