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    Title: 臺灣往中國的高等教育學生流動:推拉因素
    Student flows from Taiwan to China in higher education: Push-pull factors
    Authors: 費凱琳
    Fried, Caroline Ruth
    Contributors: 李明
    Lee, Ming
    Fried, Caroline Ruth
    Keywords: 國際高等教育
    International higher education
    Cross-strait relations
    Push-pull theory
    Integration theory
    Economic relations
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-08-07 17:00:22 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,經濟,文化和學術是台灣與大陸兩岸統一及合作時所專注的三個領域,但是他們之間的政治關係仍然保持在緊張的狀態。當了解台灣與大陸的兩岸關係時,在大陸的台商已經被深入的研究了,而相對比較新的現象;選擇在大陸讀書的台灣學生們並他們形成的團體,還沒有得到充分的學術分析。借鑒 “推 - 拉”遷移理論,並通過聯繫群體結構而導致的政治體系整合,以及高等教育的市場化和全球化,本論文研究台灣學生決定遷移到大陸的大學去讀研究所時影響及考慮的因素。通過開放式的調查問卷和半結構化的訪問,調查顯示台灣學生們在選擇去大陸讀研究所時有考慮到經濟,社會與文化的因素。最後,本論文評估了台灣學生在中國的大學所形成的團體是否有助於台灣與大陸的連接並這些群體在何種程度上促成了兩岸交織在一起。
    Cross-strait integration and cooperation between Taiwan and mainland China in recent years has been focused in economic, cultural, and academic spheres, while political relations between the governing authorities on either side of the Taiwan Strait remain strained. While the Taiwanese business community in mainland China is well-studied in the context of cross-strait integration, the communities formed by student migration from Taiwan to China is a relatively more recent phenomenon that has attracted relatively less academic interest. Drawing upon the “push-pull” theory of migration, integration across political systems through the linkage community framework, and the marketization and globalization of higher education, this thesis examines the factors contributing to Taiwanese students’ decisions to study in mainland China’s universities in graduate programs. Open-ended questionnaires with Taiwanese students enrolled in Mainland graduate programs and semi-structured interviews revealed economic factors as well as social/cultural factors that students considered in their choice to study in mainland China. Finally, this thesis assesses the extent to which Taiwanese students in Chinese universities contribute to the formation of linkage communities intertwining the two sides of the Taiwan Strait together.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106926012
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900263
    Appears in Collections:[亞太研究英語博/碩士學位學程(IDAS/IMAS)] 學位論文

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