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Title: | 專家教師的自主學習歷程之探究 An Enquiry into the Autonomous Learning Process of Expert Teacher |
Authors: | 周臻艷 Chou, Chen-Yen |
Contributors: | 詹志禹 Chan, Chih-Yu 周臻艷 Chou, Chen-Yen |
Keywords: | 專家教師 自主學習 教師自主學習 自我決定理論 創造力演化系統 expert teacher autonomous learning teacher`s autonomous learning self-determination theory evolution system approach to creative work |
Date: | 2019 |
Issue Date: | 2019-08-07 16:56:22 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 十二年國民基本教育強調學校教育要能夠培養孩子成為主動自發的自主學習者,身為教師更應該了解自主學習的歷程,每位專家教師都是從生手教師開始,經歷過各種歷程、轉折、因素之影響才成為專家教師的,因而本研究以探討專家教師自主學習之歷程,來瞭解、分析專家教師自主學習歷程之各種影響因素。
研究結論: 1.教師自主學習演化歷程會有高峰低谷與衰退期。 2.師生共學-教師自主學習帶動學生自主學習的成長。 3 家庭的背景可以突破,豐富的經驗助於提升教師的能力感。 4.榜樣學習的前提是自我了解。 5. 在教師工作中,能力感與關聯感較難以切割。 6.關聯感比起能力感、自主感更是生手成為專家教師的啟動器。 7.教師工作穩定度影響關聯感的滿足。 8.導師工作幫助自主感與關聯感的提升。 9.教師與學生建立夥伴關係提升關聯感。 The 12-year basic national education emphasizes that school education must be able to train children to become active and autonomous learners. Therefore, teachers should understand the process of autonomous learning. Every expert teacher starts from a newbie teacher and becomes an expert teacher after experiencing various processes, turning points, and influential factors. Thus, this study explored the process of autonomous learning of expert teachers to understand and analyze varied factors that influence their autonomous learning process. This study took five expert teachers from different counties who have received excellent awards as case studies. This study employed qualitative research in the form of an interview to explore the autonomous learning process of high school expert teachers. Besides, this study adopted the self-determination theory and the evolving systems approach to creative work as the theoretical frameworks to conduct cross-cases analysis.
The findings of this study were as follows: 1. The evolution of teachers` autonomous learning had a peak and least point and deteriorate period. 2. Teachers and students learned together - teachers` autonomous learning has driven the growth of students` autonomous learning. 3. The superiority in the family did not affect development, and rich experiences helped to enhance teachers` competence. 4. Self-understanding came before the role model learning. 5. Competence and relatedness could not be separated. 6. Relatedness became the expert teachers` initiator more than competence andautonomy. 7. Teachers` job stability affected the satisfaction of relatedness. 8. The homeroom teachers` duty was advantageous in enhancing autonomy and relatedness. 9. The relationships between teachers and students increased their relatedness. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 教育學系 106152008 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106152008 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU201900483 |
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