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    Title: 基於資料融合建置物件化3D LOD2建物模型之研究
    The Study on the Establishment of 3D LOD2 Objectivization Building Models based on Data Fusion
    Authors: 林岑燕
    Lin, Tsen-Yann
    Contributors: 邱式鴻
    Chio, Shih-Hong
    Lin, Tsen-Yann
    Keywords: 資料融合
    Data Fusion
    Triangulation Network
    Texture Mapping
    Rectangle Packing
    3D Building Model
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-08-07 16:45:59 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著科技發展,二維空間資訊系統已經往三維模式邁進以呈現出更擬真的世界樣貌,加上智慧城市概念興起,建物又是城市內最具代表性的象徵,使得當今許多研究都開始著手三維建物模型的自動化建置;然而,三維建物模型的建置往往需要耗費大量時間成本與資金,加上立體建物要匯入三維地理資訊平台的資料量較傳統二維圖資大許多,所以三維模型資料的壓縮與簡化成為十分重要的課題;而且目前已建置的三維地理資訊平台之應用大多為視覺化展示而已,無法進行更深入的三維空間資訊應用分析;另外,三維地理資訊系統平台在開發及應用上常會面臨建置及營運成本昂貴、不同資料型態轉換的困難及介面不夠完善等問題;最後,伴隨網際網路與手機的成熟,三維地理資訊系統也逐漸向以具有網路,又或是向有搭載網路的行動裝置為基礎發展,意即3D Web GIS為當今的趨勢潮流。
    As technology advances, the two-dimension geographic information system has transformed into three dimensions to present a more realistic world appearance. Also, the concept of “Smart City” has been presented and building is the most representative symbol in the city, which makes many science fields start to research in the automatic production of 3D building models nowadays. However, the reconstruction of 3D building models often takes a lot of time and a large amount of cost. Besides, the data volume of 3D building models imported into the 3D GIS platform is much larger than the traditional 2D data. Therefore, the compression and simplification of 3D building model become an important research subject. Moreover, the application of the 3D GIS platform established before is mainly confined to visualization purposes, which can’t carry out the further application and analysis of 3D spatial information. What’s more, the development and application of 3D GIS platform often face several problems, such as expensive cost of establishment and maintenance, difficulty of different data type conversion, and imperfect user interface. Last but not least, with the maturity of internet and mobile phones, the 3D GIS gradually develops toward the base of network or the mobile devices equipped with internet, which means 3D Web GIS becomes the trend nowadays.
    As a result, to cope with the increasing demand for the use of 3D building models, to avoid the waste of time and cost to produce a large quantity of 3D building models, and to prevent the 3D GIS application from limiting to visual display. Besides, to response to the trend of 3D Web GIS on mobile device, to take into account several aspects, such as the real-time streaming and release of a large amount of 3D data, browser compatibility, delay reduction, data transmission volume, problem in establishment of 3D GIS platform, and to promote the efficiency. With the concept of data fusion and by making use of the advantages of different data types, this study hopes to present a new low-cost objectivization method to automatically generate low data volume 3D LOD2 building models of large area by combining building footprint, airborne LiDAR point cloud data, airborne vertical and oblique images, and DEM. What’s more, this study also hopes to establish a low-cost, open source, and WebGL-based 3D building GIS platform with standard format of 3D building models, and make use of the LOD2 building models for more application and analysis.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107257001
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900327
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