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Title: | 老舊建物補強修繕評估及關鍵因素之研究 A Study on the key factors of strengthening and repairing old buildings |
Authors: | 林怡利 Lin, Yi-Li |
Contributors: | 林左裕 Lin, Tsoyu Calvin 林怡利 Lin, Yi-Li |
Keywords: | 老屋健檢 補強修繕 整建維護 層級程序分析法 租稅增額融資 開放資料 safety inspection of the old building Seismic retrofit and aging repair renovation and maintenance Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) Tax Increment Financing(TIF) Open data |
Date: | 2019 |
Issue Date: | 2019-08-07 16:44:46 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 台灣建築物屋齡瀕臨「高齡化」之數量日益增加,而直接或間接影響此揭老舊建物損害因子除了地震等天然災害外,尚且包括建築物自然老化及人為破壞等因素,進而影響居住者身體健康、居家安全以及經濟發展等問題。本研究目的係針對老舊建築物若欲繼續提供居住服務,同時維持良好機能、結構安全、建築美觀,以及採用環保材料進行修繕補強等問題研究其關鍵因素,並運用層級程序分析法(AHP),針對台灣地區產、官、學等相關領域之專家進行問卷調查後,就問卷結果得到各項評估指標之相對權重,進而探討「產官學領域別」及「區位環境別」兩個群體對於評估指標群看法差異之所在。而本研究可歸納以下結論: 1.「結構性能」乙項是受訪專家一致認為影響老舊建物補強修繕最為關鍵之評估指標,餘關鍵因素評估指標依序為「防火避難」、「墜落物危害」及「預算財源」。 2.至於「預算財源」乙項,由於財源籌措不易,導致居民難以針對修繕補強形成共識,此時可運用「獎勵補助」及「減稅措施」等誘因,鼓勵居民同意申請建物補強修繕。 3.針對建築物老化後產生損壞之自然物理現象,經由常態性維護保養工作,將可提升建築物抗老化性能並延長大規模整修之週期。 4.台灣社會對於既有的老舊建物防災之議題未形成共識,政府應訂定相關法令並支持開放老舊建物修繕補強相關資料,透過資訊大量傳輸與公開,有效提升民眾居安思危之危機意識。 本研究結論可供政府對於推動老舊建物補強修繕評估實務及理論上的政策建議參考。 The number of "aging" buildings in Taiwan is growing. In addition to the natural disasters, such as earthquakes, the other factors that may directly or indirectly undermine buildings include natural aging and man-made damage. The aging buildings can raise human health, living safety and economic development concerns. The purpose of this research focuses on the key factors for how to keep the essential dwelling functions of an old building working while ensuring its structural safety, architectural beauty, and environmental protection at the same time. Using the method of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), a questionnaire survey was conducted among experts from the relevant fields of industry, government, and academia in Taiwan. Based on the results of survey, the relative weights of each evaluation indicators will be decided, and the different opinions expressed by the “Industry-government-academia Field Group” and the “Location and Environment Field Group” will be further explored and analyzed. This study reaches the following conclusions: 1."Structural performance" is the most important factor deemed by experts for evaluating the necessity of revamping old buildings. The other key factors, ranked in order, include fire prevention, risk of falling objects, and budgetary resources. 2.Due to financial constraint, it is not easy for residents to reach a consensus on revamping old building in which they currently dwell. Under this circumstance, the government can use incentive subsidies and tax reduction measures to encourage the residents to apply for revamping old buildings. 3.For old buildings damaged by the natural aging problem, it is advised that the normal maintenance work be implemented regularly to improve the anti-aging performance of buildings and prolong the period of large-scale renovation. 4.Taiwanese society has little consensus on the disaster prevention of old buildings. The government should enact relevant laws and regulations to support revamping. At the same time, the government should publicize and educate the general public to enhance their awareness of crisis. The conclusions of this study can be used as a reference for the government on its policy recommendations for revamping old buildings. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政學系碩士在職專班 105923015 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105923015 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU201900336 |
Appears in Collections: | [地政學系] 學位論文
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