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    Title: 是自己人重要嗎?從領導部屬交換理論看溝通風格與其相似性對主管滿意度之影響
    Does it matter to be “my person”? The impacts of being similar on satisfaction with supervisors from the perspective of leader-member exchange theory
    Authors: 王婷虹
    Wang, Ting-Hung
    Contributors: 詹中原

    Jan, Chung-Yuang
    Dong, Hsiang-Kai

    Wang, Ting-Hung
    Keywords: 領導部屬交換理論
    Satisfaction with supervisors
    Communication style
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-08-07 16:43:40 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 現實生活中,我們常以「自己人」來指稱那些與我們關係親密、「與我站在同一邊」的那些人;同時,「物以類聚」的成語,也點出具有共通點較多的兩人,更容易被彼此吸引,進而有良好互動關係。本研究正基於領導與部屬間會發展具差異性的互動關係──即領導部屬交換關係理論之觀點,來探詢彼此間「相似性」能否成為「自己人」的關鍵。與此同時,工作滿意度在學術理論以及管理實務上之重要性皆不容小覷,但卻少有研究者單純以「對主管滿意度」作為檢驗對象;此外,過去實務調查先後針對全台公務人員抽樣,以及北市府研考會針對該市府員工之調查結果,皆顯示對於領導及溝通議題方面有亟欲改善之空間。基於以上動機,本文主要欲探究兩大問題:一、哪些因素會影響部屬對主管的滿意度?二、延續上述研究問題,當從相似性層面檢視這些因素,又將如何影響對主管滿意度?
    本研究以量化問卷方式針對北市區公所各科室公務人員進行調查,並取得33位主管及108位部屬之樣本,得到以下研究發現:1. 領導風格、信任及支持,會影響部屬對主管的滿意度;2. 溝通風格及領導風格上的相似與否,並不會影響對主管滿意度;但只要部屬對主管有高度信任、及認為自己受到高度支持時,不論主管是否真的對之信任或是支持,就能有正面的對主管滿意度。綜上所述,本研究發現「部屬如何認知」是相當重要的:對他們來說,無論主管心中實際是怎麼看部屬的,只要讓部屬能夠有「正面感受」,特別是在信任主管及知覺主管支持程度越高,即可對主管有較高的滿意度。回到研究主題:成為主管的自己人真的重要嗎?本研究認為,只要能讓部屬有相當的信任基礎及支持程度,就足以能讓他有繼續追隨主管的動力。
    “My person” is always referred as those we are close to ourselves, meaning “you are with me.” Well goes a saying, “birds of a feather flock together”. People with more similarity are more likely to be attracted to each other. This study aims at exploring why leaders make different relationships with different subordinates from the view of Leader-Member Exchange theory. Only few studies used “satisfaction with supervisors” as the dependence virianble to discuss the relationship between supervisors and subordinates. Meanwhile, some prior studeis showed that government employees were not satisfied with their leadership and communication quality with their leader. Therefore, this study tries to answer two questions: 1. What are the factors affecting “satisfaction with supervisors?” 2. Whether the similarity of communication style, leadership style, level of trust, and support from supervisors affect the satisfaction of supervisors?
    This study conducted a survey research and targeted government employees in Taipei City goverment. We had successfully gathered 33 supervisors and 108 subordinates in total. According to the analysis results, this study found: 1. Leadership styles, level of trust, and support from supervisors affect satisfaction with supervisors. 2. Although the similarity in communication style and leadership style did not affect the satisfaction of the supervisor, subordinates still had a high degree of satisfaction with supervisors when they perceived a higher level of trust and a higher level of support from their supervisors. In general, the cognition of subordinates is crucial. For the subordinates, no matter how supervisors think, as long as they trust their supervisors and believed they had enough support, they will have positive attitude to their supervisors. Hence, being “my person” actually means that the subordinates feel they are supported by their supervisors and thereby willing to follow orders.
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