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    Title: 論台灣違法或不當美容醫學廣告及行銷之管制
    A Study on the Regulation of Illegal or Improper Aesthetic Medical Advertising and Marketing in Taiwan
    Authors: 洪藝齊
    Hung, Yi-Chi
    Contributors: 劉宏恩
    Liu, Hung-En
    Hung, Yi-Chi
    Keywords: 美容醫學廣告及行銷
    Aesthetic medical advertising and marketing
    False advertising
    Medical care act
    Consumer protection law
    Fair trade law
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-08-07 16:40:05 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 觀台灣現行醫療法與相關函釋對醫療廣告及行銷之管制規範可謂嚴格,然而違法或不當美容醫學廣告及行銷卻仍層出不窮。故本研究所要探討者係該問題之成因為何?是現行法規範內容未與時俱進,抑或行政執行不力,致管制美容醫學廣告及行銷成效不彰?後提出管制台灣違法或不當美容醫學廣告及行銷亂象之新方式。
    Observing current Medical Care Act and related administrative rules, the regulation of medical advertising and marketing is strict; nevertheless, illegal or improper aesthetic medical advertising and marketing have occurred incessantly. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to find the root of the cause. Is the current regulation of aesthetic medical advertising and marketing unable to keep pace with
    the times, or due to the poor administrative implementation? Next, find new ways to solve this social disorder.
    The methods of this study are Comparative Law, Documentary Analysis, and Content Analysis of the final written decisions on an administrative appeal or judgements related to illegal aesthetic medical advertising and marketing subject to administrative penalties. And participant observation of reporting violating advertising and marketing in order to lead to a better understanding of how the government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to regulate aesthetic medical advertising and marketing, and then find the loopholes of current law and how they could be improved.
    The results of this study would provide useful information in drawing related regulations, policies and management strategies.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104652016
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900662
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