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    Title: 探討高雄氣爆災後生活變動與社區資源對居民心理症狀與生活品質的影響
    Exploring the effect of life change and community resources on psychological symptoms and quality of life in the aftermath of Taiwan gas explosion in Kaohsiung
    Authors: 高晟洋
    Kao, Cheng-Yang
    Contributors: 許文耀
    Hsu, Wen-Yau
    Kao, Cheng-Yang
    Keywords: 高雄氣爆
    Kaohsiung gas explosion
    Exposure level
    Life changes
    Post-disaster psychological adjustment
    Community resources
    Community resilience
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-08-07 16:33:09 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 根據過去 921 地震災後心理反應的研究,災難後的心理適應受到災難當下暴露、災難後資源流失與生活變動的影響,以及根據 Norris et al.(2008)提出的社區資源理論,災難後社區所具備的經濟、社會資本、社區能力與訊息溝通等資源能夠集結形成災後復原力,幫助社區居民提升災後的心理適應。本研究探討 2014 年高雄氣爆事件一年後,災區居民的受氣爆災難當下的暴露、災後日常生活或人際關係變動、社區資源三者對其心理適應的影響。研究對象為高雄市苓雅區與前鎮區等氣爆發生點周圍的社區居民,採用家訪問卷調查,以災難暴露、生活變動、災難風險、災難相關症狀篩檢量表(DRPST)及 MOS SF-12進行測量,共蒐集到 416 份問卷。本研究發現,對於氣爆災難暴露程度高的受災者,日常生活變動變好能夠顯著改善災後的心理適應,但不論日常生活變動變好還是變差,社區資源的增加未能顯著改善災後心理適應,反而對於暴露程度低的受災者,日常生活變好時,社區資源的增加能夠顯著增加創傷後壓力症狀,但是對暴露程度低且日常生活變差的受災者,社區資源的增加能夠顯著提升生活品質中生理健康的部分。暴露、社區資源與人際關係變動對心理適應沒有顯著的交互作用,然而日常生活變動與人際關係變動,對災後的心理適應能產生保護的效果,顯著降低災創傷後壓力症狀,並且能夠減緩暴露對憂鬱與生理健康的負面影響,而社區資源在日常生活變好的情況下,較能提升生活品質心理健康的部分。最後,以本研究結果、社區資源理論與過去的災難研究進行討論,並指出可能在災後,社區居民動員社區資源進行災後重建時,形成心理上的負擔,反而惡化災後的創傷後壓力症狀,而社區資源可能需要透過整個社區的集體行動,資源與社區成員彼此作用,較能發揮協助受災者心理適應的作用。此外,相較於 921 地震,在高雄氣爆災難中,日常生活變動變好與人際關係變動變好對災後心理適應有保護的作用,而災難暴露對氣爆後一年的心理適應仍有負面的影響。
    Based on the past studies in 921 earthquake in Taiwan, the psychological adjustment in the aftermath of 921 earthquake was affected by peritramatic factor, exposure level, and posttraumtic factor, resources loss or life changes. According to the community resources theory formulated by Norris et al. (2008), community resources, including economic development, social capital, community capacity, information and communication, are adaptive capacities which can be networked and contribute to community resilience after a disaster strikes, improving community residents’ psychological adjustment. The main purpose of present study is to investigate how disaster exposure level, daily life change or interpersonal relationship change, and community resources affect the psychological adjustment one year after Kaohsiung Gas Explosion Accident in Taiwan, July 31st, 2014. The residents dwelling around explosion-stricken area, especially LingYa and QuianZhen district, were interviewed and surveyed by Disaster Exposure Level, Life Chang, Disaster Risk Inventory, Disaster-related Psychological Screening Test and MOS SF-12 ( N=416 ). The study finds that for the residents under higher exposure level, better changes in daily life could significantly predict better psychological adjustment, but for the residents with elevated community resources, no significant improvement in psychological adjustment for those with worse or better changes in daily life. Instead, for those both under lower exposure level and with more community resources, better changes in life significantly predicts higher post-traumatic stress symptoms. Exposure level, community resources and interpersonal relationship change have no significant interaction effect on psychological adjustment. However, better changes in life could buffer disaster exposure effect on depressive symptoms and physical health, one indicator of QoL, as well as better changes in interpersonal relationship. More community resources can significantly predict better mental health, an indicator of QoL, only if the life changes better. Finally, results in the present study are discussed with theories of community resources and other researches on post-disaster mental health, and it is pointed out that the mobilization of community resources may form psychological burden on residents, which may worsen one’s posttraumatic stress symptoms. It is concluded that community resources could improve residents’ psychological adjustment better through all residents’ collective actions and interaction between residents and the community resources. Moreover, compared to studies in 921 earthquake, better changes in daily life and interpersonal relationship could protect psychological adjustment from disaster exposure effect. Disaster exposure in Gas Explosion still harms resident’s psychological adjustment one year after the accident.
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900445
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