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    Title: 從教育職場選取看自我身分認同的呈現與互動 ──以華語文教師為例
    On the identity of TCASL teachers from the perspective of educational workplace selection - A case study of TCASL teachers
    Authors: 楊偉儀
    Young, Wai-Yee
    Contributors: 黃怡萍
    Huang, Yi-Ping
    Young, Wai-Yee
    Keywords: 自我身分認同
    TCASL teacher
    Chinese culture
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-08-07 16:31:41 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 目前語言教育學界關於自我身分認同的主流研究仍然以歐美地區為主,即便是華人地區的相關研究大部分亦以英語教學為主流,華語教學在自我身分認同上的相關研究少之又少。故本研究嘗試從自我身分認同的角度出發,以質性研究的方式進行個案研究,旨在探討在台灣已取得教師資格的國語文老師,為開拓工作領域而投身華語文教學,在完成超過兩年的華語師資培訓後,卻沒有選擇投身華語教育領域的整個歷程,自我身分認同在當中所呈現的面貌。本研究透過敍事及深度訪談,從話語文本內容加以分類、歸納,編碼進行分析,從中瞭解職場中不同因素對研究參與者的意義,探討研究參與者最後考慮不投身華語文教育領域的觀點與想法。
    Prior research on self-identity in the field of language education is mostly conducted in western countries. In the Greater Chinese region, relevant studies are mostly associated with English teaching. There is still very little research on self-identity in Chinese teaching. This study attempted to conduct a qualitative case study from the perspective of self-identification, aiming to explore the process in which qualified Chinese teachers in Taiwan chose to embark on the training in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (TCASL henceforth) to advance their careers and how their self-identities played out during this process. However, they chose to return to the Chinese language education field instead of developing their career in TCASL. Adopting narratives and in-depth interviews, this study classified, summarized, and analyzed the textual contents of discourse and unpacked the meaning behind different factors in the workplace, eventually discussing the viewpoints of participants on their career choices.
    The research results indicated that, in the process of pursuing a TCASL teacher, all research participants believed that they had the responsibility to inherit the experience and wisdom of life, with the communal recognition in Chinese culture as the traditional wisdom and virtue and their own roles as a Chinese as well as a teacher. However, they also perceived that Taiwan’s Chinese education as rigid, dull, and constrained by scoring and evaluation. In compliance with students’ demands for further studies, their teaching was mostly framed by textbooks or test drills. Therefore, they hoped to enter the field of TCASL so that they could access different teaching methods and apply them to teaching contexts. In addition to cultural inheritance, their teacher role dominated their career changes. Despite the aforementioned efforts, they both gave up becoming TCASL teachers. One of them chose to return to Chinese language education while the other one quitted from the field of education because of the following two reasons. First, Chinese language teaching mainly looked at grammar as the instructional focus rather than the deep-level meaning of Chinese culture which dissatisfied these teachers. Second, The “unstable” factor in the TCASL profession the working environment, working mode and workplace of TCASL teachers in Taiwan are equivalent to those in the “shadow education” industry. Therefore, their self-identity as a teacher and an inheritor of Chinese culture played a crucial role in choosing their career path.
    On the basis of the career choices of the research participants, the study suggests directions for potential development of Chinese language education in Taiwan, including the protection and stability of TCASLs` work, adjustment to the teaching contents, increase in ratio cultural input, balance of grammar, culture, and communication models.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103161001
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900340
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