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Title: | 數位人文研究平台之觀點變遷和年代劃分工具發展與應用 Development and Application of Digital Humanities Research Platform with Observation Tool of Viewpoint Migration and Age Division |
Authors: | 林正和 Lin, Cheng-Ho |
Contributors: | 陳志銘 Chen, Chih-Ming 林正和 Lin, Cheng-Ho |
Keywords: | 數位人文 詞向量 分群 人機互動 文本探勘 資訊視覺化 滯後序列分析 羅家倫先生文存 digital humanities word vector clustering human-computer interaction text mining information visualization lag sequential analysis Works of Mr. Lo Chia-lun |
Date: | 2019 |
Issue Date: | 2019-08-07 16:28:04 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在開發支援數位人文研究之「觀點變遷和年代劃分工具」,能讓人文學者將具有時間連續性的相關文本,切分為數個時期來訓練詞向量,並以詞向量作為探勘輸入之關鍵字在各時期中關聯程度最高的關聯詞彙依據,並輔以分群方式協助使用者分析相鄰兩觀察時期是否需要進行分裂或合併,以決定較佳之觀點變遷觀察詞彙與時期切分,同時提供即時互動介面,透過人機互動的方式協助使用者於短時間內掌握大量具時間連續性的相關文本中特定主題的脈絡,找到有用的研究發現。本研究以實驗研究法比較研究對象使用「觀點變遷和年代劃分工具」前後對於文本中特定主題的理解是否具有顯著提升、認知是否有顯著變化;並以科技接受度問卷、半結構式訪談、放聲思考法等方式了解實驗對象對「觀點變遷和年代劃分工具」的看法與感受;也用滯後序列分析觀察實驗對象使用「觀點變遷和年代劃分工具」的行為歷程,以歸納出高低成效實驗對象操作的行為歷程與模式是否具有顯著的差異。 實驗結果發現,實驗對象於使用「觀點變遷和年代劃分工具」後,對於文本中特定主題的掌握度具有顯著的提升,但使用「觀點變遷和年代劃分工具」中特定功能的次數,並不會對特定主題的掌握度造成顯著的影響。此外,滯後序列分析部分發現,高成效使用者使用「觀點變遷和年代劃分工具」的行為歷程中,具有使用核心功能的潛在行為序列,而低成效使用者則無此一序列,並且於操作流程上較為零碎,顯示「觀點變遷和年代劃分工具」的核心功能操作流程能夠有效增進使用者對於文本中特定主題的掌握度。再則,由訪談資料及科技接受度量表之量測結果得知,實驗對象對於「觀點變遷和年代劃分工具」持高度肯定的正面評價,表示此一工具確實能夠快速方便的讓他們了解大量具時間連續性相關文本中特定主題的脈絡,並以分群方式輔助他們驗證自己切分的時期是否合適,但是關聯詞彙產生的準確度、介面顯示與流程設計則仍有待進一步改善。未來可透過本工具分析其他具時間連續性之關聯文本、比較不同關聯分析方式的適用性,亦可嘗試將本工具與數位人文教育結合,發展推廣數位人文教育的有效工具。 This study aims to develop “Observation Tool of Viewpoint Migration and Age Division” for supporting research on digital humanities, allowing humanists dividing texts with time continuity into several phases to train word vectors. Word vectors are regarded as the reference for relational vocabulary with the highest relevance in various phases to mine input keywords. Grouping is also applied to assist users in analyzing whether two neighboring phases require split or merge to determine better perspective change observation vocabulary and phase division. Meanwhile, real-time interaction interface is provided for assisting users, through human-computer interaction, in grasping large amount of contexts with specific subjects in texts with time continuity. Experimental research is applied in this study to compare the significant promotion of comprehension of specific subjects in texts and the remarkable change in cognition of research subjects before and after using “Observation Tool of Viewpoint Migration and Age Division”. Technology acceptance questionnaire, semi-structured interview, and think aloud are utilized for understanding the experiment objects’ opinions and perception of “Observation Tool of Viewpoint Migration and Age Division”. Lag sequential analysis is also used for observing the experiment objects’ behavior processes using “Observation Tool of Viewpoint Migration and Age Division” to induce the notable difference in the operation behavior process and model between experiment objects with high and low effectiveness. The experimental results reveal that the experiment objects, after using “Observation Tool of Viewpoint Migration and Age Division”, significantly promote the grasp of specific subjects in texts, but the number of times using special functions of “Observation Tool of Viewpoint Migration and Age Division” would not result in remarkable effects on the grasp of specific subjects. Moreover, lag sequential analysis shows that high-effectiveness users present potential behavior sequence to use core functions in the behavior processing of using “Observation Tool of Viewpoint Migration and Age Division”, while low-effectiveness users do not appear such sequence and show fragment on the operation process. It reveals that the operation process of core functions in “Observation Tool of Viewpoint Migration and Age Division” could effectively enhance users’ grasp of specific subjects in texts. Furthermore, the interview data and technology acceptance scale reveal highly positive evaluation of the experiment objects on “Observation Tool of Viewpoint Migration and Age Division”. It presents that such a tool could rapidly and conveniently allow them understanding the context of specific subjects in large amount of texts with time continuity. Grouping also helps them verify the appropriateness of phase division; however, the accuracy of relational vocabulary, interface display, and process design still require further improvement. The tool could analyze other texts with time continuity, compare the applicability of different correlation analyses, and attempt to combine with digital humanities education to develop an effective tool to promote digital humanities education. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 圖書資訊與檔案學研究所 1061550061 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1061550061 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU201900510 |
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