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    Title: 以正向心理理論觀點探討保險業務人員管理之相關研究
    Applying positive psychology to insurance salesman management
    Authors: 魏筱昀
    Wei, Siao-Yun
    Contributors: 蔡政憲

    Tsai, Cheng-Hsien
    Peng, Jin-Lung

    Wei, Siao-Yun
    Keywords: 正向心理學
    Positive psychology
    Insurance business personnel
    Active personality
    Work-life balance
    Life satisfaction
    Ethical leadership
    Emotional intelligence
    Job performance
    Insurance channels
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-08-07 16:14:35 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文主要以正向心理學之理論架構探討保險業務人員管理之狀況,分為三篇研究來加以分析。第一篇研究以主動人格、工作生活平衡與生活滿意度為研究架構,透過問卷調查法,蒐集1,691份樣本來檢驗變項之間的脈絡,以結構方程模式之統計方法來分析,研究結果發現主動人格、工作生活平衡對生活滿意度具有正向顯著之影響,亦驗證工作生活平衡為主動人格與生活滿意度之間的中介變項。第二篇研究以倫理領導、情緒智能與工作績效為研究架構,同樣透過問卷調查法,蒐集有效樣本546份,並以結構方程模式之統計方法分析,研究結果發現倫理領導對情緒智能、工作績效皆有正向顯著之影響,情緒智能亦在整體架構中扮演中介角色。
    This dissertation, containing three articles, applies positive psychology to insurance saleman management.
    The first article uses active personality, work-life balance, and life satisfaction as the research framework. Through questionnaire survey, we collct 1,691 samples to investigate the connections among variables and employ structural equations to analyze the results. We find that active personality and work-life balance have positive and significant impacts on life satisfaction and work-life balance is an intermediary variable between active personality and life satisfaction.
    The second article uses ethical leadership, emotional intelligence, and job performance as the framework. We obtain 546 valid samples through questionnaire survey and use structural equations to analyze these samples. The results show that ethical leadership affect emotional intelligence and job performance. The effects are positive and significant while emotional intelligence plays an intermediary role.
    The third article, based on the first one, divides the effective samples by channels of brokers and agents, salesmen of bank holding companies, and salesmen of non-bank holding companies. We carry out regression analyses on each channel to investigate how distribution channels affect the relations among active personality, work-life balance, and life satisfaction. The results show that different channels play a mitigation role.
    The above three articles make significant contributions to the literatue about the psychology and life sentiment of insurance salemen. They also have practical implications to the management and leadership measures of salemen.
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900599
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