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    Title: 智慧語音助理服務品質與滿意前因之研究
    Antecedents of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction of Virtual Assistants
    Authors: 李信宏
    Li, Sin-Hong
    Contributors: 洪為璽

    Hung, Wei-Hsi
    Yang, Jiann-Min

    Li, Sin-Hong
    Keywords: 智慧語音助理
    Virtual assistants
    Self-service technology
    Service quality
    Customer satisfaction
    Urgent needs
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-08-07 16:06:09 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在人工智慧的發展下,許多廠商開始打造智慧語音助理做為新型態的服務。透過語音辨識技術的幫助,用戶不必使用觸控功能或點擊任何按鈕,只需透過聲音即可與語音助理溝通、指派任務。本研究歸納出智慧語音助理的特性,來探討在智慧語音助理的使用過程中,哪些特性是影響使用體驗的重要因素,並進一步討論在不同的情境下(如緊急需求的狀況),這些影響程度是否會有所不同。
    With the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI), many companies have developed virtual assistants as their new services. Through the help of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), the users can communicate with and assign jobs to the virtual assistants via voice, they no longer need to touch the screen or click any button. In this study, we focus on the virtual assistants’ attributes to examine which ones have important impacts on the use of the virtual assistants. Furthermore, we discuss whether the level of the impacts will change if the users are in different situations, e.g. needs in urgency.
    An online questionnaire survey was conducted and 292 valid samples were collected. The data was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) techniques. The results show that perceived control, perceived usefulness, perceived reliability and perceived convenience had positive impact on service quality, which further positively impacted subsequent experiences, including value and customer satisfaction. Among these attributes, perceived usefulness had the most significant impact. In the urgent needs situation, the impact of perceived control significantly decreased while the impact of perceived usefulness significantly increased.
    In conclusion, perceived control, perceived usefulness, perceived reliability and perceived convenience are key factors impacting the service quality of the virtual assistants. Among them, perceived usefulness is the most important one. The results extend previous Self-Service Technology (SST) research because we further explain which SST attributes have impacts on service quality during the use of it. And the results show that these attributes may have different level of impacts in the urgent needs situation. Finally, the results enable enterprises to understand the aspects consumers pay more attention to and can be used as the reference while implementing the virtual assistants to create better products to the demands of the market.
    Reference: EET Taiwan,智慧音箱市場成長顯著 出貨上看2億台,上網日期108年5月7日,檢自:https://www.eettaiwan.com/news/article/20190130NT21-smart-speaker-market-2018
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106356012
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900461
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