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    Title: 企業販售小農產品之品牌與銷售效果
    The brand and sales strategy of corporate selling small agricultural products
    Authors: 溫蕙毓
    Woon, Huey-Yi
    Contributors: 陳建維
    Chen, Chien-Wei
    Woon, Huey-Yi
    Keywords: 善因行銷
    cause-related marketing
    green marketing
    trust on smallholders farmers
    perceived value
    brand equity
    purchase willingness
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-08-07 15:51:02 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,台灣食品安全問題層出不窮。消費者飽受食安問題困擾,對於日常食物來源、動植物畜牧與種植狀況、食品加工過程等問題日益重視。以無農藥、在地性及友善環境耕作方式為訴求的小農產品,便在此時應運而生,同時解決消費者對於食安問題的憂慮。消費者對於食品安全的關注,使得小農產品逐漸廣為人知。當小農產品藉由虛擬平台逐漸發展起來時,實體通路發現小農產品充滿商機。

    本研究主要目的在於探討消費者對企業採行善因行銷與綠色行銷推廣小農產品,以及其對小農信任與知覺價值,是否會對企業品牌權益與其購買意願有所影響,並且進一步瞭解環保、健康生活型態對兩者之間是否產生調節效果。以台灣地區的一般消費者為調查研究對象,回收有效問卷共計238份,並以統計軟體SPSS 25.0版作為分析工具。

    In recent years, Taiwan`s food safety issues have emerged in an endless stream. As consumers suffer from food safety problems, they are paying more attention to daily food sources and food processing. On the other hand, small agricultural products based on pesticide-free, local and friendly agricultural practices are widely known for consumers who concern about food safety. Therefore, when small agricultural products gradually developed through virtual channels, the physical channels also discover the business opportunities of small agricultural products.

    Hence, the purpose of this study is to explore whether consumers accept corporate promote small agricultural products through caused-related marketing and green marketing, and also the trust and perceived value to smallholder farmers will affect corporate brand equity and their willingness to purchase. Moreover, to understand whether environmentally friendly lifestyle and healthy lifestyles of the consumer have a moderator effect. Taking the general consumers in Taiwan as research subjects, a total of 238 valid questionnaires were collected, and statistical software SPSS 25.0 was used as the analytical tool.

    The results of this study are as follows: (1) corporate implement cause-related marketing strategies to promote small agricultural products has a positive effect on brand equity; (2) corporate implement cause-related marketing strategies to promote small agricultural products has a positive effect on consumers` willingness to purchase; (3) corporate implement green marketing strategies to promote small agricultural products has a positive effect on brand equity; (4) corporate implement green marketing strategies to promote small agricultural products has a positive effect on consumers` willingness to purchase; (5) Consumers` trust on smallholder farmers positively affects brand equity; (6) Consumers` trust on smallholder farmers positively affects consumers` willingness to purchase; (7) Consumers` perception of small agricultural products positively affects brand equity; (8) Consumers` positive perception of small agricultural products positively affects their purchasing willingness; (9) The lifestyle of consumers have partial moderator effects; (10) Demographic variables have significant differences in the promotion of small agricultural products by corporate. Based on the research results, recommendations of the marketing strategy of management implications to the industry is proposed, and the research limitation and recommendations for future research directions are explained.
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900486
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