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    Title: 稀缺性訊息對黏著度、再購買意願之影響 ─以知覺構面為調節變數
    Effect of Scarcity on Stickiness and Repurchase Intention:Consumers’ Perception as Moderator
    Authors: 王泰翔
    Wang, Tai-Hsiang
    Contributors: 簡睿哲
    Wang, Tai-Hsiang
    Keywords: 知覺稀缺
    Scarcity Perception
    Repurchase Intention
    Perceived Quality
    Perceived Sacrifice
    Perceived Uniqueness
    Price Perception
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-08-07 15:49:19 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 限時限量的促銷方式已成為各家電商業者經常使用的手法,從過去的研究可以發現,稀缺性促銷訊息確實可以透過增加消費者的知覺價值,間接增加購買意願。然而,為了維持限時限量促銷版位的特性,需要耗費大量的人力與成本,且價格補貼也造成侵蝕利潤的惡性循環,若無法培養消費者長期的使用偏好,則其所帶來之效益與成本的比較則不見得有利於長期發展。本研究以稀缺性相關的文獻研究為基礎,新增了「客戶黏著度」和「再購買意願」兩項依變數,來探討商品稀缺度是否會對此兩項變數造成影響,並以四項消費者知覺構面為調節變數,來研究其所造成的調節效果。
    本研究用使用統計電腦軟體 SPSS 21.0 中文版進行統計分析,研究結果發現:(1)知覺稀缺與客戶黏著度確實存在正向的直接效果;(2)知覺稀缺與再購買意願確實存在正向的直接效果;(3)知覺稀缺與價格知覺的交互作用會對客戶黏著度與再購買意願產生影響。
    The limited-time scarcity (LTS) and limited-quantity scarcity (LQS) promotion methods have become a common method used by various E-commerce sellers. According researches of the past, we found that the scarcity promotion message can indirectly increase the purchase intention by increasing the perceived value of the consumer. However, in order to maintain the characteristics of LTS and LQS promotion, it takes a lot of time and cost. If the royalty preference of the consumer cannot be cultivated, the comparison between benefit and cost will not be beneficial to the long-term development. Based on the literature research related to scarcity, this study added two variables, “customer stickiness” and “repurchase intention”, to explore whether the product scarcity will affect customer stickiness and repurchase intention. In addition, four moderation variables were added in the study.
    This study used SPSS 21.0 in Chinese version for statistical analysis. The results showed that: (1) There is a positive direct effect between perceived scarcity and customer stickiness. (2) There is a positive direct effect between perceived scarcity and repurchase intentions. (3) The interaction between perceived scarcity and price perception will have a moderator effect on customer stickiness and repurchase intentions.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106351003
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900396
    Appears in Collections:[國際經營與貿易學系 ] 學位論文

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