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    Title: 圖像素養融入多模態英語寫作:以兩位臺灣高中生為例之個案分析
    Visual literacy in multimodal English writing: A case study of two senior high students in Taiwan
    Authors: 陳佩如
    Chen, Pei-Ju
    Contributors: 黃怡萍
    Huang, Yi-Ping
    Chen, Pei-Ju
    Keywords: 多模態寫作
    multimodal writing
    visual literacy
    course design
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-08-07 15:42:48 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 現有文獻指出圖像素養融入多模態寫作能夠促進圖像素養之發展和寫作能力的提升。然而,多數文獻多專注於以英語為母語或第二外語之兒童的故事寫作(Mill, 2014; Vasudevan & Bateman, 2010; Wiseman, Mäkinen, & Kupiainen , 2016),且寫作作品多停留在句子的程度而未發展成具有結構性的完整段落。因此,本研究旨在探討台灣高中生圖像素養之發展,以及了解圖像的使用和圖像素養如何與學生創作的過程互動,特別是描述文和敘述文。
    為了深度刻畫學生圖像素養之發展和圖像與多模態創作之互動,本研究採用質化個案研究方法。本研究透過問卷、觀課紀錄、反思日誌、文件與創作,和訪談逐字稿蒐集兩位研究參與者的資料,並且使用VLC rubric (Bowen, 2017) 和six-step framework ( Braun & Clarke, 2006)來分析研究資料。
    Prior research shows students’ visual literacy and writing ability can be improved under the multimodal writing course involving visual literacy instruction. However, most research is targeted at ESL children’s stories (Mill, 2014; Vasudevan & Bateman, 2010; Wiseman, Mäkinen, & Kupiainen, 2016) at the sentence level without further developing into structured paragraphs. Thus, the current study attempted to explore EFL senior high students’ development of visual literacy and see how visual and visual literacy interact with the composing process of multimodal writing in different genres such as descriptive and narrative paragraph.
    To provide insightful understanding of students’ development of visual literacy and how their use of visual in multimodal writing involved their demonstration of visual literacy, a qualitative descriptive case study approach was adopted. Two participants’ data from questionnaires, observations, reflective journals, documents and artifacts, and individual semi-structured interviews across sixteen-week classes were analyzed through Bowen’s (2017) VLC rubric and Braun & Clarke’s (2006) six-step framework.
    The results found that two participants’ visual literacy improved across the time in this course but different visual in different genres required different visual thinking abilities, and they did not demonstrate manipulation of visual thinking for every kind of visual stimuli. As for the role of visual in multimodal writing, it enabled students to make association and decide the topic in the designing process, and it helped organize and sequence the contents in the producing process. In the presenting process, visual made readers understand their text better as a content predictor or confirmer. However, the use of visual in multimodal writing required certain visual thinking ability for different genres. The results also showed that visual literacy and multimodal writing reinforce each other. Finally, it is suggested that students should be exposed to various kinds of visual stimuli to develop visual thinking competency fully and that visual literacy-instruction should be taught along with the multimodal writing so that students can make use of visual and demonstrate better multimodal writing.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105551019
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900350
    Appears in Collections:[Department of English] Theses

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