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    Title: 多元時代的挑戰—安康平宅社區家長參與ACT親職教育方案之經驗
    Challenge in the era of diversification— Experience of parents of An-Kang Low-cost Housing Community participating in ACT Program
    Authors: 阮菲
    Ruan, Fei
    Contributors: 傅如馨
    Fu, Juh-Sin
    Ruan, Fei
    Keywords: 安康平宅
    ACT Raising Safe Kids親職教育方案
    An-Kang Low-cost Housing
    Parenting stress
    Parental resilience
    ACT Raising Safe Kids Program
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-07-01 11:12:07 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究將美國心理學會暴力預防處與美國幼兒教育協會所共同發展的ACT Raising Safe Kids親職教育方案(Adults and Children Together-Raising Safe Kids Program,以下簡稱ACT親職教育方案)為範本,濃縮課程內容及時長,以其簡要版於台灣平宅開展,面向有自主意願參與的安康平宅民眾。本研究希望藉由該簡要方案接觸并瞭解平宅家長的親職壓力,旨在深入瞭解,台灣安康平宅自願參與簡要ACT親職教育方案對當事人之影響。本研究從接受方案當事人的角度來回覆三個研究問題與目的:一、瞭解研究當事人的生命脈絡、家庭互動經驗對其家庭關係之影響。二、探索并瞭解研究當事人的親職壓力與因應。三、瞭解當事人在接受簡要版ACT親職教育方案之後,對其親職行為的影響,並對日後方案的開展提出建議。
    Based on Adults and Children Together-Raising Safe Kids Program (hereinafter referred to as ACT Raising Safe Kids Program) co-developed by American Psychological Association (APA) Violence Prevention Office and National Association for the Education of Young Children, this study is a case study on the public from a Taiwanese low-cost housing community--An-Kang Low-cost Housing Community with an intention to participate in the program, wherein the program is in a simplified edition with condensed content and shorter duration. This study targets the parenting stress of low-cost housing parents through the simplified program with a purpose of an in-depth understanding about the impact of the intention of the parties from Taiwan`s An-Kang Low-cost Housing Community to participate in the simplified ACT Program on the parties. From the perspective of the parties in the program, this study has three research questions or objectives: I. To study and understand effects of the parties` life and family interaction experience on their family relations. II. To explore and understand the parenting stress and relevant response of the parties. III. To understand effects of the parties` experience of accepting the ACT Program on their following parenting behaviors and give advice for the following implementation of the program.
    To have a thorough understanding about opinions of the parties from An-Kang Low-cost Housing Community involved in the ACT Program, this study is conducted in the qualitative research method, where data are collected from an in-depth interview on two mothers in total, both of whom have completed the simplified ACT Program.
    It is found in the study that the parties are confronted with the parenting stress in such five respects as early children education, poor parent-children interaction, external environment, life adjustment and interpersonal interaction. In addition, poverty is a factor that makes severely adverse effects on the parties` life. To handle the stress, the parties develop their parental resilience to help themselves cope with the stress and plight from four perspectives: personal characteristics, problem solutions, family support, social support and social resources. And the experience of participating in the simplified ACT Program has five positive effects on the parties including better emotional awareness, more emotional control, movement in parenting philosophy, positive parenting and exchange of parenting experience.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1051720131
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900108
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