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    政大機構典藏 > 文學院 > 宗教研究所 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/124190
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    Title: 中國宗教的全球在地現代化或基督宗教化? - 以台灣和澳門的佛光山和一貫道為例
    Glocal-modernization or Christianization? Chinese Religions in Taiwan and Macau: FoGuang Shan and I-Kuan Tao
    Authors: 鍾倩儀
    Chong, Sin-I
    Contributors: 郭承天
    Kuo, Cheng-Tian
    Chong, Sin-I
    Keywords: 全球在地現代化
    FoGuang Shan
    I-Kuan Tao
    Fa-Yi Chong De
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-07-01 10:58:01 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 因為台灣和澳門自身的地理、政治和主權問題,台灣和澳門的宗教生存環境曾經是對基督宗教相對有利的。一些學者提出了「基督宗教化」的概念,而另外一些學者認為一些佛教團體以基督宗教作為模仿對象,認為中國宗教為了面對基督宗教的挑戰會把其作為他們改革自身的參照物。如果這種想法是成立的,那為何基督宗教並沒有蓬勃發展反而其他的中國宗教在台灣和澳門成為了主流。台灣戒嚴和澳門的12.3事件是基督宗教有利形勢的轉折點,基督宗教無法在台、澳蓬勃發展而基督徒人數一直在總人口占少於百分之十。為了探討中國宗教的成功是基於他們的全球在地化抑或是基督宗教化,本文選取佛光山和一貫道的發一崇德為研究的對象,並聚焦在他們的組織結構、教義、儀式和傳教方法。
    Because of Taiwan and Macau’s own geographic, political and sovereignty problems, the living space of religions in Taiwan and Macau was once advantageous for Christianity. Some scholars bring up the concept of “Christianization”, and some other scholars think some Buddhist sects emulate Christianity and take Christianity as a reference to innovate themselves to compete with and face the challenge of Christianity. However, if Christianization is an authentic conviction, it can’t explain why Christianity has not developed well while Chinese religions become dominant in Taiwan and Macau. The lifting of martial law in Taiwan and the 1-2-3 Riot in Macau were the turning points of Christianity’s favourable situation, Christianity fails to prosper in these two places, and the number of Christians continues to constitute less than 10 per cent of the total population. This master thesis will focus on the selected religions’ organizational structure, their innovation on doctrine and rituals and their propagation strategies, to examine whether the success of Chinese religions is due to their glocal-modernization or the adoption of Christianization. FoGuang Shan and Fa-Yi Chong De of I-Kuan Tao are two religions that have been developing in both Taiwan and Macau prosperously. Thus, I select FoGuang Shan and Fa-Yi Chong De of I-Kuan Tao for comparison.
    Reference: Chinese Books




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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105156010
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.GIRS.003.2019.A03
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