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Title: | 論氣候變遷責任之保險理賠爭議— 由AES v. Steadfast案出發 Aes v. Steadfast and the insurance claims issues related to climate change liability |
Authors: | 蕭涵煦 Hsiao, Han-Hsu |
Contributors: | 陳俊元 蕭涵煦 Hsiao, Han-Hsu |
Keywords: | 氣候變遷責任 商業綜合責任保險 |
Date: | 2019 |
Issue Date: | 2019-07-01 10:50:50 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本文旨在探討氣候變遷下,被保險人及保險人間可能發生之保險理賠爭議爭議,以及該爭議可能之解釋方式。隨著全球暖化問題日漸嚴峻,極端氣候所致之財產損害、人身傷亡亦逐年增高。對此,受有損害之人民及政府,開始將矛頭指向氣候變遷之元兇,即大量排放溫室氣體之企業。在面臨政府及人民索賠之鉅額賠償及訴訟費用下,企業思索將其責任風險移轉予其商業綜合責任保險人,因而請求保險人協助其抗辯,或者填補其因賠償第三人所造成之損害,然而,基於氣候變遷訴訟以及商業綜合責任保險之特殊性,此請求將致生爭議。
第一起被保險人因面臨氣候變遷訴訟向保險人請求協助抗辯,因產生爭議而進入訴訟之案件為AES v. Steadfast案。本案之保險人拒絕協助抗辯,而其理由有三:一、氣候變遷所致之損害,並非事故,不符合商業綜合責任保險之要件;二、氣候變遷所致之損害,為保險契約訂定前即已存在,並延續至保險期間。依損害進行中原則,保險契約不生效力;三、溫室氣體屬於污染,依污染除外條款,溫室氣體所致之損害應排除於承保範圍。由於此三抗辯,在向來皆極具爭議,故可預期在將來之氣候變遷訴訟中,亦應屬保險契約雙方之攻防焦點。
最後,本文探討商業綜合保險於我國之適用疑義,以及在氣候變遷訴訟中,在我國法下所可能產生之結果,並具以提出建議及結論。 This article aims to figure out the issues related to climate change liability.
As the extreme weather caused by climate change aggravated, property damages and body injuries also have increased like never before. Seeking for damages recovery, people and governments began to seek for damages from corporates who frequently emitted greenhouse gases. Facing huge amount of compensating liability and legal fees, corporates seek to transfer these liability risks to their insurers.
However, several issues appear as corporates seek to transfer their risks. The first case dealing with these issues is AES. v. Steadfast. In this case, the insurer contended that they have no duty to indemnify the insured for several reasons. First, the damages caused by global warming were expected by the insured, thus did not constitute occurrence; Second, the damages have appeared before the contract; Third, greenhouse gases are pollution, pursuant to pollution exclusion, the damages caused by pollution should not be compensated.
This article analyzes the possible solutions to these issues, and also analyze these issues applying Taiwan’s relating regulations. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 風險管理與保險學系 1043580221 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1043580221 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU201900057 |
Appears in Collections: | [風險管理與保險學系] 學位論文
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