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Title: | 職涯轉換與幸福感之關聯性研究—以台灣北部某國立大學MBA畢業生為例 Investigating the Relationship between Career Change and Subjective Well-Being—Examples of MBA Graduates of a University in Northern Taiwan |
Authors: | 張雨宣 Chang, Yu-Hsuan |
Contributors: | 蔡維奇 張雨宣 Chang, Yu-Hsuan |
Keywords: | 職涯轉換 主觀幸福感 成功 工作快樂 Career change Subjective well-being Success Happiness of work |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2019-06-03 13:07:41 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 正向心理學的興起,帶給人們更多美好生活的想像。人都希望擁有更快樂的職涯和人生,以主觀幸福感的定義來看,快樂是由「樂趣」和「意義」所構成,若想獲得工作的快樂,在職涯轉換的過程中,應該要不斷追尋工作的樂趣和意義,而非單純依據薪水等世俗成功條件來轉換工作。依據《經濟學人》雜誌公布的2017年MBA評鑑指標可看出MBA依然是非常成就導向型的系所,背負著系所和社會的期待,其畢業生在轉換職涯普遍重視薪水和升遷等世俗成功指標。 本研究即以MBA畢業生為探討的對象,設計半結構式的問題深度訪談26位畢業超過8年以上的校友們。根據Donald E. Super的職涯發展理論,受訪者正處在職涯發展的建立階段,且多數受訪者已步入家庭,身兼伴侶、父母親等人生角色。本研究目的為探討這群校友如何定義工作快樂、人生幸福感和人生成功?至今是否有感受到工作的快樂、人生的幸福感和成功?在職涯推進的過程中,主要的轉職因素傾向世俗成功還是工作快樂?工作生活平衡、親密關係以及社會支持在職涯和人生中扮演什麼樣的角色? 研究中發現七個重點:(一)人際關係的圓滿是幸福和成功的關鍵(二)財富能帶來幸福感其背後的支撐力量是照顧家庭的使命(三)工作意義中的成就感是工作快樂的主要來源(四)超過七成受訪者能感受人生幸福感和工作快樂,但自身定義之成功指標難以實踐致使一半受訪者還感受不到成功(五)職涯轉換的後期,更傾向追尋工作意義而非世俗成功(六)工作生活平衡為在職涯轉換後期成為重要影響因素(七)職涯發展階段趨向不規律。 本研究能幫助企業了解,「工作意義」是企業吸引或是留住人才的關鍵,建議可透過工作設計和員工協助方案提升員工幸福感,為員工創造工作的樂趣和意義,擁有「快樂的員工」,對企業而言會是非常有價值的資產。 The rise of positive psycology encourages people to pursue a happier life. According to the definition of happiness, it is a combination of pleasure and meaning. If people want to get more happiness at work, during the career change period, they should consistently pursue the pleasure and meaning of their career. According to the 2017 MBA Assessment Index pulished by The Economist, it is told that MBA is an achievement-oriented program. MBA graduates pay a great attention on package, promotion, company reputation, etc. because those objective career achievements are seemed become the important definition of MBA graduates’ success. This study conducts a semi-structured in-depth interview with 26 MBA graduates who have graduated more than 8 years. Based on Donald E. Super’s career development theory, this group of respondents is in the establishment stage. Besides, most MBA graduates have multiple roles such as parteners and parents. The purpose of this study is to understand how MBA graduates define the happiness of work, well-being and success? Do they feel successful and happy at their work and in their lives? In the process of career development, the main factor of career change tends to be the happiness of work or objective success? What are the roles of work-life balance, intimate relationships and social support in their lives? This study yields 7 conclusions: (1) Satisfied relationship is the key to success and well-being. (2) Wealth can bring happinesss because of the family-caring mission. (3) Sense of accomplishment is the main source of happiness of work. (4) More than 70% respondents feel happy in their life and work. However, self-defining successes are difficult to practice, so 50% respondents still do not feel successful. (5) In the later stage of career change, it is more inclined to pursue the meaning of work rather than the objective success. (6) Work-life balance becomes an important factor in the later stage of career change. (7) The development stage of the career tends to be irregular. “Work meaning” is the key to attract or retain talents. This study suggests that companies can enhance employee well-being and create work pleasure and work meaning through employee assistance programs and job design. And “happy employees” will become very valuable assets. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 105363063 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105363063 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.MBA.025.2019.F08 |
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