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    Title: 台商於中東歐之供應商管理政策探討:權力比與態度之影響
    A case study of supplier management policy of Taiwanese company in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE): The impact of power ratio and attitude
    Authors: 李玫嬛
    Lee, Mei-Hsuan
    Contributors: 羅明琇
    Lo, Ming-Shiow
    Lee, Mei-Hsuan
    Keywords: 供應商管理
    Supplier management
    Buy-supplier power
    Management attitude
    Third-party institution
    Central and Eastern Europe
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2019-06-03 13:07:26 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著國際化的腳步,為了更快速回應西歐市場的需求以及善用中東歐勞工與投資利益,台商紛紛採用跨國化經營的方式進入中東歐,有些企業透過併購當地公司,有些則以直接設廠的方式進行在地化經營,然而,新的市場中擁有新的供應商,不能完全沿用原本在台灣的供應商管理政策,而需透過調整原有管理辦法以及順應當地外部環境的方式,在新市場進行有效率的供應商管理。因此,本研究欲探討台商進入中東歐市場時,因應不同的環境與條件前提,所採取不同的供應商管理政策。本研究採行個案研究法,訪談一家製造業之個案公司,對於該企業進行深度了解,並進一步探討該個案在台灣以及中東歐地區的供應商管理異同。


    As an effect of globalization, to rapidly respond to the needs of Western Europe, and to wisely take advantage of investment incentives in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), Taiwanese corporations entered the market of CEE. Some of them adopted a localization strategy through mergers and/or acquisitions, and others directly established new factories in CEE. However, since there are different suppliers in new markets, Taiwanese corporations are not able to completely follow the supplier management policy of Taiwan when they enter the new market. Therefore, adjusting management regulations in response to local environments and enhancing the efficiency of supplier management are vital tasks for Taiwanese corporations entering CEE. This research is based on a case study of a company in the electronics industry. By analyzing this interviewed company, the research evaluates the difference between supplier management policies in Taiwan and CEE countries.

    The research found that the power ratios of buyers and suppliers in both Taiwan and the CEE area are not always smaller than one or bigger than one. When it comes to sizable international companies, they are dominant in supplier chain management, so they have higher bargaining power. Other smaller companies lack the crucial resources and the capabilities to do the same; they have to rely on bigger supplier partners and have lower bargaining power. Still, the result also indicates that because Taiwanese corporations are not familiar with CEE markets and tend to depend on third parties to evaluate and audit suppliers, and also adopt centralized management systems, supplier management attitudes toward CEE countries are passive. Since Taiwan is used to choosing and auditing suppliers of its own and is willing to assist and support suppliers to help them enhance performance and quality, supplier management attitudes toward Taiwan area are positive.

    The academic contribution of this research is to further understand the application of supplier management via third parties. This research analyzes the impact of third parties on supplier management attitudes, and offers a reference for Taiwanese corporations that are eager to enter the CEE market in the future or that want to adopt third parties for their supplier management responsibilities.
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