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    Title: 原開發藥廠競爭策略之研究 -以S公司為例
    Research on the competition strategy of the original development pharmaceutical company- taking S company as an example
    Authors: 李瑞祐
    Li, Rui-You
    Contributors: 詹文男
    Tsan, Wen-Nan
    Li, Rui-You
    Keywords: 原開發藥廠
    4P 理論
    Original pharmaceutical company
    Drug price policy
    Generic drug
    Drug three
    BCG matrix
    4P theory
    Five-force analysis
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-06-03 13:04:08 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究之目的,係藉由分析總體環境、產業面與顧客關係,提供給原開發藥廠做為未來學名藥廠的競爭之因應策略;有鑑於全球平均餘命延長,製藥產業日趨重要,市場持續成長茁壯過程中,冀能藉由本研究與分析結果,將成功製藥企業的經營策略與經驗,提供給在台之經營之製藥企業之參考。
    本研究將依據以SWOT、PEST、五力分析、BCG 矩陣、4P理論,運用其工具加以闡述其各項變數。
    The purpose is to study the business strategy of pharmaceutical company, to analyze overall environment, pharmaceutical company and customer relations. To improve the competition of scientific name pharmaceutical companies, suggest actions that S company may take. Because the global average life extension, the pharmaceutical company is becoming important, the market continues to grow. Through the results of this research and analysis, we can provide the business strategy to fight the generic companies in Taiwan.
    The research and development of pharmaceutical companies usually consumes a amount of capital and long-term investment. The large pharmaceutical company generally adopts mergers methods to obtain new ones. The large pharmaceutical company can obtain patents and exclusive sales for a period of time. S company is a large Japanese pharmaceutical company in Taiwan. Currently faces the crisis that popular drug patents-off. The generic drugs hit the market to use low prices, resulting in a blow to revenue. In order to counter this crisis, it is necessary to find new strategy.
    The National Health Insurance system has been in operation for nearly 25 years since it was opened in Taiwan. However, the implementation of the National Health Insurance system has brought the huge of Taiwan deficit brought to a serious debt of about 20 billion yuan per year. The policy is afforded the low price of the new drug, and the drug price drop after the annual drug price survey.In addition to the policy, the origenal drug needs faced with price reduction of existing drugs every year. In the second-generation health insurance, the three-in-one policy “same component”, “same quality” and “same price” have the greatest impact on the original drug company. Because the price of generic drug is more competitive to original drug. The original drug must be withdrawn from the Taiwan market. In the future, only the generic drug can be selected.
    The research questions explored in this study include:
    1. Understand the experience about dactor used origenal drug or generic drugs in Taiwan hospitals.
    2. Compare the differences between the original drug company of development plant and the marketing strategy and the generic drug company after the patent-off.
    3. Develop the strategic model of the pharmaceutical company under the competition between the policy and the generic drug.
    Based on SWOT, PEST, five-force analysis, BCG matrix and 4P theory, this study will use its tools to explain its variables.
    Frist, to supervise the government`s control the quality of the generic drug, the original pharmaceutical companies use the difference in dosage forms to increase barriers to entry and prevent the listing of generic drugs. Second, increased both of the market share and customer relationships, and the generic drugs are hindered. On the other hand, it is to reduce costs and improve costs from purchasing upstream materials.
    The advantages of the original companies is the development and process of new drugs. Have upgrading new dosage from to strengthen the generic companies into barriers, and continuing to import new drugs, thus enhancing the brand image of original pharmaceutical companies. On the other hand, to achieve the goal of globalization, Taiwan`s medical industry is relatively perfect. For multi-country multi-center experiments, it is also possible to propose the needs of Asians and strengthen the future.
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    1. 行政院衛生署中央健康保險局-二代健保http://www.nhi.gov.tw/Nhi2/QA.aspx?menu=22&menu_id=716
    2. 當前全民健保政策分析http://npf.org.tw/PUBLICATION/SS/092/SS-B-092-004.htm
    3. 塩野義製藥工業
    4. 維基百科
    5. MBA 智庫百科
    6. IMS health
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1069321691
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.EMBA.075.2019.F08
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