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    Title: 影響消費者持續使用社群媒體之重要因素-以LINE@為例
    A study of key factors affecting consumers` continuance intention to use social media: a case of LINE@
    Authors: 高星皓
    Kao, Hsin-Hao
    Contributors: 張愛華
    Chang, Ai-Hwa
    Kao, Hsin-Hao
    Keywords: 社群媒體
    Social Media
    Continuance intention
    Perceived value
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2019-05-02 14:48:06 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在網路普及的時代,社群媒體已經成為企業與消費者溝通的重要管道。而在台灣,LINE也推出了LINE@社群媒體來提供給台灣中小型企業進行社群經營。而由於消費者能夠自由加入或是退出社群媒體,使得企業能否持續吸引消費者使用社群媒體,乃是企業經營社群媒體的一項重要的議題。
    本研究之目的為了解影響消費者持續使用社群媒體的重要因素。本研究延伸Bhattacherjee(‎2001)提出的資訊系統持續使用模式(IS Continuance Model),並納入知覺價值理論以及信任進行探討,最後提出研究模型以LINE@為例進行實證研究。研究對象為持續使用LINE@的消費者,研究以網路問卷的形式蒐集資料,發放時間為2018年5月11日至18日,共蒐集到222份有效問卷。本研究變數共包含「確認」、「知覺價值」、「滿意度」、「信任」以及「持續使用意圖」,並以驗證性因素分析、迴歸分析及結構方程模型來驗證研究模型。
    In the era of internet, social media has already become an important channel for communication between business and customers. In Taiwan, LINE launched “LINE@” for Taiwanese SMEs to manage their social media. However, since customers can freely join or withdraw from social media, it’s an important issue that how business can attract customers to continue using social media.
    The purpose of this study is to understand the key factors that influence customers’ continuance intention of using social media. This study adopts IS Continuance Model proposed by Bhattacherjee (‎2001) and combines it with theory of perceived value and trust. Then, the author develops a conceptual model and conducts an empirical verifcation which takes LINE@ as research target. Online survey was used to collecting responses from users, and 222 valid responses were obtained. CFA, Regression Analysis and SEM are used to analyze research model.
    The result shows that customers’ satisfaction of LINE@ is positively influenced by their confirmation of expectation about using LINE@ and perceived value from LINE@. Also, customers’ satisfaction positively influences continuance intention of using LINE@. Finally, perceived value is positively influenced by customers’ trust toward LINE@ and confirmation. Finally, the findings provide several implications for business to manage their LINE@. (1) business should not only avoid sending messages frequently but provide incentives to make customers keep using LINE@. Also, the findings suggest sending discount content and news. (2) Collecting new customers to join LINE@ by old customers to create higher satiscation. (4) Business can apply for LINE@ approved account to enhance their trust toward LINE@ and perceived value of LINE@.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105363110
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.MBA.020.2019.F08
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