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Title: | 高職院校教學困境與教師專業發展:問題發現、量表編製與教師專業發展實踐評估 Teaching obstacles and teacher development in vocational college: Problem finding, scale development and teacher development practice evaluation |
Authors: | 姒依萍 |
Contributors: | 邱美秀 Qiu, Mei-xiu 姒依萍 |
Keywords: | 高職院校 教學困境 教師專業發展課程 Vocational colleges Teaching obstacles Teacher development |
Date: | 2019 |
Issue Date: | 2019-05-02 14:46:50 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在了解中國高職院校教師在教學中所面臨的困境,開發高職院校教學困境的評估工具,設計針對高職院校教師的專業發展課程,以幫助其應對教學困境。為了實現上述目標,本研究先後實施了三個相對獨立又彼此關聯的子研究,分別為:
本研究之發現有助於豐富職業院校教師專業發展領域的知識與實踐。結合上述三個子研究的結果,本研究為中國高職教育領域的政策制定者和教師發展人員設計有效的教師發展計劃及進一步研究提供了建議。 The purpose of this study was to understand the teaching obstacles faced by vocational college teachers in China, to develop a scale for investigating teaching obstacles in vocational colleges, and to design professional development courses for vocational college teachers in order to help them cope with teaching obstacles. In order to achieve the above objectives, this study implemented three related sub-studies.
In Study 1, 12 teachers from vocational colleges were studied. Through interviews, it was found that vocational college teachers in China mainly faced the teaching obstacles in subject-mattered knowledge and skills, teaching practice, student traits, and external support. As to the teacher development courses, vocational college teachers put forward a number of requirements for the content and the implementation of the courses.
Based on the findings of Study 1, Study 2 developed the “Vocational College Teaching Obstacles Scale,” which was verified by exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and internal consistency analysis. The results indicated that the scale had desirable reliability and validity. This scale can be used initially to assess the perception of vocational college teachers about their obstacles faced in teaching.
Study 3 designed and implemented a professional development course for vocational college teachers, which was called "Teaching Improvement and Teacher Development Workshop." At the end of the course, the “Vocational College Teaching Obstacles Scale,” developed in Study 2 was used to assess the extent to which the workshop helped the participants cope with their teaching obstacles. The qualitative results obtained through interviews were used to explain the results obtained by the scale use.
The findings contribute to the knowledge and educational practices of college teacher development. Combining the findings of the above three sub-studies, this study provides suggestions for further studies and directions for policymakers and teacher development staff to design effective vocational college teacher development programs in China. |
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