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    Title: 兩次天安門事件
    The Two Tiananmen Incidents
    Authors: 周玉山
    Chou, Yu-San
    Contributors: 中國大陸研究
    Keywords: 五四運動;四五事件;六四事件;毛澤東;鄧小平;趙紫陽;江澤民
    May Fourth Movement;April 5 incident;June 4 incident;Mao Zedong;Deng Xiaoping;Zhao ziyang;Jiang Zemin
    Date: 2001-03
    Issue Date: 2019-05-02 10:51:12 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 一九七六年三月底起,大陸人民在飽受文化大革命的煎熬之餘,借悼念周恩來的名義,在天安門廣場示威。四月五日,民眾與當局爆發衝突,最後以流血收場,世稱四五慘案,後亦稱第一次天安門事件。一九八九年四月中旬,北京學生又以悼念胡耀邦為名義,湧向天安門廣場,爆發更大規模的民主運動,迅即遍布大陸,中經五四運動七十年等因素的激盪,愈見波瀾壯闊。六月四日,中共下令軍隊進入廣場,沿途造成大量死傷,是為六四慘案,亦稱第二次天安門事件。第一次天安門運動抗議的對象為毛澤東等人,第二次天安門運動抗議的對象為鄧小平等人。鄧小平原與廣大人民一樣,文革時屬於受害者,復出後又誰行經改,自易獲得認同,但他的政治意識仍受毛澤東影響,以致重蹈覆轍。第一次天安門事件後因禍得福的鄧小平,第二次天安門事件卻避吉趨凶,究其主因,則在鄧小平一如毛澤東,不知民主為何物,偏偏兩次天安門運動都在追求民主,俱有五四運動的血緣。兩次天安門事件的導火線,分別是悼念周恩來和胡耀邦。彼等在大陸享有高度評價,或與未居第一線領導,故不必負第一線罪責有關。第一次天安門運動展開不久即值清明,尚有悼周的形式,第二次天安門運動延續五十天,稍後即無悼胡的稱號,可見悼念死者為名,抗議當局為實。周恩來生前提出四個現代化,包括國防、科技、農業、工業,而不及於民主,群眾自不以此為滿足。學生要求正確評價胡耀邦時,否定「反資產階級自由化」和「清除精神污染」,提倡民主、科學、自由、人權、法治,以及反贪污、反官倒等,內容不止一端,倘胡耀邦在世主政,在同一體制之下,亦窮於應付。兩次天安門事件有一共同點,就是傷亡人數成謎。第一次迄無官方統計,非官方的估算是當場打死約兩百人,受傷和拘捕五千人。第二次依北京市委書記李錫銘所言,軍警死亡二十三人,受傷約五千餘人;非軍警死亡二百一十八人,包括三十六名大學生,另受傷約二千餘人。非官方的估算則為:群眾學生死亡三千餘人,受傷逾萬,事後追殺者更不計其數。「勿為死者流淚,且為生者悲哀」,殺人的機器存在一日,無人可以保證倖免,生者的悲哀因此至深且厚。
    At the end of March 1976, on the pretext of mourning the death of Zhou Enlai, the mainland people who had greatly suffered under the Cultural Revolution demonstrated on Tiananmen Square. The demonstration ended in a bloody conflict with the authorities on April 5. The tragedy was known as the April 5 incident and then, after another massacre took place on Tiananmen Square in 1989, was referred to as the first Tianmenan incident. In Mid-April 1989, Beijing students assembled on Tiananmen Square to mourn the death of Hu Yaobang, resulting in the outbreak of a large-scale democratic movement which spread rapidly throughout mainland China. On June 4 of that year, Beijing ordered a military crackdown of the movement, causing heavy casualties. The case was referred to as the June 4 massacre, and also the second Tienanmen incident. The target of protests during the first Tiananmen movement was the ruling authorities headed by Mao Zedong, while the second Tiananmen movement was a campaign against Deng Xiaoping and other Communist leaders. Deng was formerly a victim of the Cultural Revolution as were most of the mainland people. His introduction of economic reforms after his rehabilitation also won him the support of the masses. He was, however, deeply influenced by Mao`s political ideology and could not accept democratic ideas. This was the main cause behind the second Tiananmen incident. The two Tiananmen incidents were touched off respectively by the mourning for Zhou Enlai`s and Hu Yaobang`s death. That the beginning of the first Tiananmen incident almost coincided with the traditional Qingming Festival (on which Chinese mourn the deaths of their ancestors) gave the campaign an appearance of mourning activity. But the second Tiananmen incident lasted fifty days and mourning for Hu quickly became secondary: the campaign became a protest against the Chinese Communist leadership.
    Relation: 中國大陸研究, 44(3), 59-77
    Data Type: article
    Appears in Collections:[中國大陸研究 TSSCI] 期刊論文

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