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    Title: 新原運時期台灣原民族群媒體的傳播實踐:以原住民族青年陣線粉絲專頁與Mata‧Taiwan為例
    The Practices of Indigenous Media in Taiwan New Indigenous Movement Period: The Analysis of Indigenous Youth Front`s Fan Page and Mata‧Taiwan
    Authors: 廖紹伶
    Liao, Shao Ling
    Contributors: 方念萱
    Liao, Shao Ling
    Keywords: 原住民族運動
    Indigenous movement
    Participatory culture
    Indigenous media
    Ethnic media
    The right to communicate
    The right to be understood
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-04-01 15:13:23 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探尋台灣新原運時期原民族群媒體的實踐樣貌。在網路科技發展、媒體參與文化更加蓬勃的新原運時期,原民媒體產生了運作形式多元且身分混雜的實踐樣貌。這類環繞原運理念而自發性參與的傳播活動,不僅有機會觸及更廣大的閱聽眾,也與過往研究的族群媒體、原民媒體定義逐漸產生差距。


    This study aims at examining the practices of the indigenous media in the new indigenous movement period in Taiwan. The rise of internet not only amplifies the trend of media participatory culture, but also creates new transcultural forms. This trend expands the practices of indigenous media, encompassing not just indigenous activists but non-indigenous supporters. With the potential of reaching broader audiences in the digital era, the concepts of indigenous media and ethnic media also need to be redefined.

    Media research has focused more on the indigenous right of access to the media and the use of in-reach communication for indigenous people. This study mainly focuses on the indigenous media’s transformative actions, that is, the way making the indigenous voices accessible for broader society. Based on Husband’s notion of ‘the right to communicate’ and ‘the right to be understood’, this paper adopts the concept of ‘interventions’, which helps to research into both the strategies and limitations of transformative actions. Digital ethnography is conducted to deeply analyze two cases in Taiwan.

    This study found that, indigenous media’s interventions are identity-driven communication practices in terms of indigenous activism, drawing on personal media literacy and life experience. Based on the interactivity of internet, the openness and hybridity are main features of the indigenous media’s interventions. Besides, intervention strategies combining different representing forms and embedded in the logic of different media platforms are consciously applied to increase publicity of media content. Last but not least, the challenge in front of indigenous media in new indigenous movement period is about the inequality of ethnic relationship and digital media ecology. Therefore, continuing operations and creating unique of media content in response to the rapidly changing digital media ecology, are key to improving the right to be understood.
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