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Title: | 台灣傳統紡織產業針對供應鏈之策略行銷分析-以S公司為例 Strategic marketing analysis of Taiwan’s traditional textile Industry: A case study of S Company |
Authors: | 王思閔 Wang, Szu-Min |
Contributors: | 巫立宇 郭曉玲 Wu, Lei-Yu Guo, Xiao-Ling 王思閔 Wang, Szu-Min |
Keywords: | 策略行銷4C架構 紡織產業 交易成本理論 人際關係網絡 Textile Industry Strategic Marketing Analysis |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2019-04-01 15:12:56 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 台灣的傳統紡織產業長期被封為「夕陽產業」,面對了中國大陸等新興國家低勞動成本、巨大產能的競爭壓力,台灣紡織產業決定轉型,朝向創新、差異化的機能性紡織品市場發展。
本論文採用邱志聖教授所提出的「4C策略行銷分析」為主要分析架構。利用其四項分析變數作為構面,分析機能性紡織S公司與客戶買賣雙方的交易成本,探討其過去在4C策略的表現,了解公司如何降低各方面的成本、提高效益來吸引國際品牌商的合作。S公司透過品牌塑造讓品牌商認識公司的理念,減少資訊蒐集成本,再透過高度的研發能力與供應鏈的全面整合讓客戶更換廠商不易,增加專屬陷入,而後透過銷售代表與客戶之前的情感連結增加品牌商的黏著性與忠誠度,加上國際大廠的背書也降低了道德危機成本,最終增加規模經濟達到營收提升、成本降低的成功策略,進而降低外顯單位效益成本。研究的最後,針對未來4C各項交易成本提出具體的改善建議與方案,已維持其穩定長期的優勢。 Taiwan’s traditional textile industry has been long labeled as “Sunset Industry”, faced with the highly competitive pressure of low labor costs and high productivity in emerging countries such as mainland China or Southeast Asia, Taiwan’s textile industry has decided to transform and develop towards innovative, product differentiated functional textile market.
Conforming to the trend of times, environmental awareness has gradually risen, the value of functional textiles has increasing to the new level, and the scale has continued to expand. Taiwan’s textile industry see the light at the end of the tunnel, from the traditional textile that applied in the heavy industry to the high- addition textile product that use in the functional clothes, the development ability could compete with Japan, Italy Milan, combined with industry production capacity, integrity of industry clusters, a good relationship with international companies and a strong research and innovation capacity, Taiwan’s functional textile industry now become the star of the international, providing nearly 70% of the world ‘s international famous brand of sport and outdoor. With the support of the government and the Textile Federation, Taiwan has developed a unique global functional textile certification system to verify the quality of the textile. The image of Sunset Industry now has become a Sunrise Industry. However, there are more the 4,000 registered textile companies in Taiwan, how to maintain a greater growth in the continued competition environment is what we concerned.
This research bases on the 4C strategic marketing analysis(Created by Professor Chiou, Jyh-Shen) as the main analytical framework for four variables: the cost-effectiveness of units, information search costs, the cost of moral crisis, and the cost of addiction of company A, to ensure that the opportunity for growth and maintain long- term competitive advantage. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 106363012 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106363012 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.MBA.019.2019.F08 |
Appears in Collections: | [企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文
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