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    Title: 董事監督義務:法令遵循制度建置與維持
    Director`s Duty to Monitor: the Establishment and Maintenance of Legal Compliance
    Authors: 謝文瑜
    Hsieh, Wen-Yu
    Contributors: 劉連煜
    Hsieh, Wen-Yu
    Keywords: 公司治理
    Corporate governance
    Duty of care
    Duty of loyalty
    Duty to monitor
    Legal compliance
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-04-01 14:49:58 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 2016年8月間國內兆豐銀行因未遵循美國反洗錢相關規定,被重罰美金1.8億元,國內除了意識到洗錢防制法令遵循之重要性外,也引發對公司治理及董事監督義務之探討。在全球化時代,企業及金融機構的規模逐漸擴張全球,董事會實無法監督各子公司、各分行的所有業務,故應透過建構更明確完善的董事監督義務,促進企業法令遵循制度之建構與維持有效性。

    In August 2016, the New York branch of Taiwan’s Mega International Commercial Bank (Mega Bank) was fined US$180 million by the New York Department of Financial Service (NYDFS) for violating the US AML regulation and defects in executing AML legal compliance program. In addition to the importance of complying with the money laundering and legal compliance, our government also raised the obligation of corporate governance and director`s duty. In the era of globalization, the scale of enterprises and financial institutions has gradually expanded globally. The board of directors is unable to supervise all the business of each subsidiary and branches. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a more clear and perfect supervision of directors to promote the construction and maintenance of corporate compliance systems. Effectiveness.
    For the director`s duty to monitor, this study first analyzes the details of the positioning and content of duty to monitor defined in the legal system and common law judgements in U.K. and U.S.A., then the comparison between common law legal systems and the current legislations in our country. Also, do a case studies for Mega Bank.
    Finally, this study will try to make recommendations including the nature, requirements and legal effects, according to the integration of foreign legislation, court practice and the opinions of the competent authorities as the responsibility of the supervisory duties of directors in our country.
    Reference: 參考文獻
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103651010
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.LAW.009.2019.F10
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