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    政大典藏 > College of Commerce > MBA Program > Theses >  Item 140.119/122467
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    Title: 個案分析: Comcast併購Dreamworks
    Case study: Comcast acquired Dreamworks
    Authors: 沈怡靜
    Shen, Yi-Ching
    Contributors: 吳啟銘
    Shen, Yi-Ching
    Keywords: 併購
    Vertical integration
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-03-07 12:43:33 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 處於成熟期的電影業,已建立相當的規模經濟與強大的品牌忠誠度,除了阻絕潛在競爭者進入以外,也能夠透過非價格競爭來管理產業競爭對手的敵對關係,本研究以個案探討的形式說明動畫電影業現況發展與面臨的挑戰,以及有線電視巨頭如何透過垂直整併應對互聯網串流媒體的興起。
    Comcast從終端通路(訊號傳輸商)起家,近期受到線上串流影音(Netflix、Amazon)的影響,使得其有線電視業務寡佔優勢逐漸喪失,其為了加強競爭力,開始朝上游內容製作整合,希望藉由內容等 IP 資產,持續增強競爭力,本論文研究個案Comcast併購Dreamworks,進行併購交易的事前分析、事中分析與事後分析。整併完成將有助於Comcast趕上迪士尼在動畫和娛樂業的領先地位。
    Dreamworks動畫上有相當完整的技術、題材和人才,缺乏行銷和通路,未來併入NBC 環球影業,可以有穩定的下游通路,大幅降低電影票房不穩定的風險和虧損。由企業評價得出綜效大於出價,且出價上限大於綜效故沒有買貴,考慮到電影產業利潤不穩定和未來不確定性, Comcast出價合理,且預期綜效與Comcast市場股價反應相符。由規模大且獲利能力強的訊號傳輸商Comcast併購動畫產業中具有實力的Dreamworks,也呼應研究顯示大強併小強成功的機會高。
    Film industry is now at the maturity stage of Product Life Cycle, considerable economies of scale and strong brand loyalty have been established. In addition to blocking the entry of potential competitors, it is also possible to manage the hostile relationship of industry competitors through non-price competition. This case study explains the current development and challenges of the animated film industry, and how the Cable giants - Comcast can cope with the rise of streaming media through vertical integration.
    Comcast originally started from the terminal channel (signal transmission company) and was recently affected by online streaming platform (Netflix, Amazon), which made its cable TV business gradually lost its oligopoly. In order to strengthen its competitiveness, Comcast began to vertical integrate, and to enhance content producing power through IP assets. This study is about Comcast acquiring Dreamworks and shows that this acquisition will help Comcast catch up with Disney`s leading position in the animation and entertainment industry.
    Dreamworks animation has good quality Intelligence Property however it is lack of its own distribution channel leads to higher risk of profit loss. After the merge, Dreamworks will be integrated into NBC Universal Pictures. It can greatly reduce the risk of movie box office instability.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1043630803
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.MBA.014.2019.F08
    Appears in Collections:[MBA Program] Theses

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