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    Title: 企業社會責任與公司財務表現的關係—以台灣上市公司為例
    Corporate social responsibility and firm financial performance: an empirical analysis from Taiwan
    Authors: 周韋汝
    Chou, Wei-Ju
    Contributors: 洪叔民

    Horng, Shwu-Min
    Chen, Li-Ming

    Chou, Wei-Ju
    Keywords: 企業社會責任
    Corporate social responsibility
    CSR disclosure
    Financial performance
    Stock price return
    Institutional ownership
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-03-07 12:22:32 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究探討台灣上市公司之企業社會責任(CSR)揭露和績效分別對於財務績效(CFP)和股價表現的關係,並且了解機構持股比對CSR與CFP之關係的調節影響。研究結果顯示 (1) 公司利害關係人對於企業社會責任的關注,使公司揭露CSR活動將有助於企業創造競爭優勢並改善財務績效,提高公司股價。 (2) 對於台灣上市公司的企業社會責任績效和財務業績、股價表現之間的關係未有顯著的正向結果。 (3) 機構持股比對於台灣上市公司的CSR揭露和財務業績之間的關係呈現了負向的調節作用,但對於CSR揭露和股價表現的關係則呈現負向不顯著的調節,表示機構法人投資的公司財務績效受益於CSR揭露分數的效果將減弱。
    This study provides the relationships between corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosures/performances and corporate financial performances (CFP)/stock price returns for Taiwanese companies, and the impact of institutional ownership on the relationship between CSR and CFP. The results show that stakeholders` concerns about corporate social responsibility disclosures enable companies to create competitive advantages and improve financial performances. On the contrary, there is no significant positive result on the relationship between CSR performances and CFP, and likewise between CSR performances and stock price returns for Taiwanese companies. Nevertheless, the institutional ownership has a negative moderate effect on the relationship between the CSR disclosures and CFP of Taiwanese companies, but an insignificant negative effect on the relationship between the CSR disclosures and stock price returns. The effect demonstrates that CFP benefiting from CSR disclosures declines because of raising institutional investment.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105363069
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.MBA.012.2019.F08
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